Friday, October 28, 2011

Dressing for His Glory

Ello, I thought I'd post this. This is from awhile back. I had posted it on my old xanga (you can check it out before I close it here in a week or so: that I had as a teen but I am probably going to shut it down here pretty soon since i never get on it and it's too much to do 2 blogs of my own and our family blog so it's gonna go. This post goes along with my beliefs/stance posts that I have been doing on and off. I actually came to these beliefs before I trusted Christ as my personal Saviour and so this was written months before I got saved. I lived a works based life since I was 16 because I had made a false profession at the age of 13. I did want to do right hence the reason I practiced my life the way I did. Of course after I got saved I reexamined my dress to be sure but it wasn't really necessary because I was doing right and was modest and feminine in my dress. I dressed discintly like a lady already and
used biblical principles.

By the way, if yall haven't had a chance or haven't seen it, yet there's a separate post below this one and it's an update on our recent trip and some other things.

Modest Apparel (I had originally titled this article: Modesty is Important in Today's Society)

Modest long, slit-less dresses and skirts that cover the calves(some men are attracted to calves & like them so I don't wear anything that shows my calves and plus, Isaiah 47: 1-3 talks about the leg and thigh. The verse is in section 1.A), modest shirts that don't show my midriff or are tight, or low cut no more than three fingers from my neck, but I prefer and try to wear them all right at the bottom of my neck for more modesty(b/c some men think the collar bone can be sensual & so I don't want to cause others to stumble). Basically I try to wear anything that is truly modest and feminine and does not cause others to fall because they are just humans who need help to aviod those things and that is my goal and to also bring glory to my Savior and honor and to please Him. And to not wear anything that is form fitting. Here is my modesty article: Modesty is Important in Today's Society Ok, everyone. I am going to tell you why I only wear dresses and skirts. And why I only wear them long and why I don't wear slits in them. And why I wear my hair long. Some of you may never have heard this before. If what you do is not wrong then you should not be offended. But, my honest hope is that this post will be a blessing and an encouragement. And to make men and women think. I only want to glorify the Lord. Here goes. 1. I wear dresses and skirts to be more feminine. I wear them because it is an abomination for a woman to wear what pertaineth to a man. -Deu. 22:5, The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so [are] abomination unto the LORD thy God. ~A woman ought to distinctly look like a woman. She ought to embrace her femininity. I am a lady against feminism, as well. Feminists want women to go against the bible. They hate it that they are different than men. That they are treated different. But, women are supposed to be treated as the weaker vessel.-1Peter 3:7,Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with [them] according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered.~ So, whatever the Bible says they hate it, including femininity. They hate it if you want to act, speak, and be feminine. A. I forgot to mention that I believe a woman ought to dress modestly and wear modest dresses and skirts. That excludes anything tight, low-cut, slits,short, etc. Don't get mad just yet. I will explain.-1Timothy 2:9, In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; Plus, God likened Babylon to a daughter who was not tender and delicate anymore and told her to uncover her thighs and make bare the leg.-Isaiah 47:1-3, Come down, and sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on the ground: there is no throne, O daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou shalt no more be called tender and delicate. v.2,Take the millstones, and grind meal: uncover thy locks, make bare the leg, uncover the thigh, pass over the rivers. v.3, Thy nakedness shall be uncovered, yea, thy shame shall be seen: I will take vengeance, and I will not meet thee as a man. So, God sees it as nakedness when the thighs and legs were uncovered and made bare. 2. Tight.- A you or anyone else ought not to be able to see your shape or form at all. We are to help our brothers in christ as well as the unsaved men. The flesh is wicked. In our flesh dwelleth no good thing. Men have temptations of lust. It can cause them to have impure thoughts. It is also immodest-1 Tim. 2:9. Your form is for your husband only and if you are single again it is only for your husband after you both get married. Also, you don't want to attract guys for the wrong reasons. Also, do men really want other men to see their own wives body form? Do men really want other men to lust after their own wives? Or do they even care if their wives are bringing the wrong kind of attention to their wives own selves? A woman shouldn't be bringing attention to the wrong areas. A woman ought to bring the right kind of attention. She ought to dress in a way that points a person to her face instead of her body. There are men who have had problems in the past. 3. Low - cut. I don't wear shirts or dresses that don't come to the bottom of my neck. You may say that it is the most ridiculous thing you have ever heard! I wear it that way, because when you bend down you can see right down it or at least something that should not be showing and again is reserved for your husband only. I have to say I have seen more than I care to of a women's chest. It is not a good thing at all. If my shirt or dress is to low, I wear a undershirt(white t-shirt) underneath it. I mean if you have your hands full and can't hold your shirt or dress then what's the point in wearing it low anyway. The other thing is that your collar bone can be sensual to some men who may have had problems in the past. Also, you know that knot(bone) sticking out at the bottom of the back of your neck? Well, I used to wear shirts that were two inches or so below that knot and I had a man tell me he liked my back as in he thought it was attractive! I know it sounds crazy, but it is true. Plus, he was a lost man. So, you know what I am about to say next! Cover it, too! It is good to make sure that it is covered all the way to right to the bottom of that knot(bone). I would have never thought a man would think it attractive! Shows you the naivete of some women like I was or just absentminded. So, let's help those lost men even and not show skin. 4. Slits and short dresses/skirts. I listened to a message one time called the language of a christian's clothing by S.M. Davis on . In the message he told a story of how he asked a teenage boy about what he thought about immodesty and this is what the boy said," Well, the lady is modest when she is standing, just standing. But, then when she is walking you see part of her leg through the slit and then she isn't so modest anymore until she stops walking and then you can't see anything anymore then she is modest again. What is the language of a slit? Does it say look this way, look at these legs, take a peek? It doesn't matter if you have good looking or bad looking legs. Men still look. Not all men have great pasts, even the ones raised in Christian homes. Lust, is lust. Some have had problems with legs too. And legs can be sexy, even if they are ugly, whatever that man prefers. Plus, a slit is there so the skirt can show more of your shape( rather than be slit-less and semi-full and show not a thing). A. Dresses and skirts that show the calf. Of course a lot of what I said about slits applies to this. What I forgot to mention in the slits section is that even your legs are for your husband and his looking eyes only. Why would a man want other men to see and look at his wife's legs? Some men have had a problem with legs and such in their pasts. Some have had a problem with pornography. I was told by a man at my church that every time some lady gets up and sings and wears a skirt or dress to her knee or directly below or even in the middle of the leg he has to make even more of an effort to look at her face, because skin is very noticeable especially in the wrong place.This man doesn't have to make an effort if her legs are covered. Why aren't men protecting their wive's and daughters? Why are women trying to tempt men into looking at them? A christian woman has no need to attract a guy by showing herself. A christian woman ought to attract a guy or others by doing nothing but that is right and pleasing to the Lord. Why bring attention to yourself for the wrong thing? Why not just do what God wants you to and serve Him and strive to be the kind of woman God wants you to be and just let that be what draws others attention to you? What does your clothing say about you? Modest, feminine, godly, wholesome, chaste, pure ? Why tempt a man to look? It can cause a man to fall- the pants, the slits, the short dresses and skirts and low cut blouses/shirts. Why be a stumbling block? Do you honestly want another man or any man lust after you? 5. Long hair. I wear my hair long and I hope to grow it at least a little bit longer if not really long. I don't believe a woman should have short hair at all. I believe it is a sin for her to have her hair shorn. This is what the Bible says,1 Corinthians 11:14, Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? -1 Corinthians 11:15, But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for [her] hair is given her for a covering. ~ A woman's glory is her long hair and her hair is also, her covering. I honestly believe it is a sign of submission to your husband and God or those who are single it is a sign of submission to your father and to God. It is also, feminine for a woman to have long hair. Who said it hurts to be more feminine? Except the feminist. Why not embrace femininity? Why not be discintively woman? Men and women are not supposed to look alike. So, many times in I see christian women who have short hair and it makes them look manly, instead of feminine. I have been told by a man that it is not very appealing or feminine at all. Sometimes their hair is so short you really don't know if it is a man or woman unless they are wearing a skirt or dress. The concluding verse between men and women and hair: 1Cor. 11:7, For a man indeed ought not to cover [his] head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. Let's help our brothers in Christ by covering up ourselves and adorn ourselves in modest apparel. And to not cause them to stumble and fall. Plus, be more (distinctly)feminine and godly and chaste and pure in the way we dress and present ourselves. Here's another thought a friend pointed out to me that there are lost women who's doors swing the other way and thus are not straight and they will look at your uncovered skin as well just like a man would. Do you want that also? Not me. I want to be blameless in the way I dress and I want it to point to Christ. Men are men and women are women. The flesh is wicked and in it dwelleth no good thing! Men like women period! The eyes see more than they need or want to see, if they are through a christian's eyes. Men are by sight, first. If we truly care about others falling then we ought to help them by dressing modestly. For if we don't we are of a selfish nature. I mean they can't help it that they are human being who happen to have a sinful, wicked flesh. I mean it's not about just us covering up, it's about them who struggle or will struggle. Hope this has been a blessing and encouragement! And that this has helped you! God bless. Dressing for His Glory, Karla ~1Cor. 10:31, Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Praise and glory be to the Most High who also, died for all the immodesty and immorality! Worthy is the Lamb that was slain for all our transgressions! This is to go with this post on Modesty. This is to tack on to the previous post on modesty. In truth I didn't think of it this way because I wasn't too sure it was needed but it might be more than I will ever know. And one of my friends pointed this out to me. Here it is: This is what my friend emailed me about this post: Also, I read your post today and smiled when you mentioned that a friend pointed out to you about lost women also being tempted by an immodestly clad woman. Karla, if you only knew. I hope you do realize, it's not just the one's who's doors swing the other way or the lost, but the saved and the straight, who struggle here too. I can tell you on good authority that there are Christian ladies, even ones attending Bible colleges that struggle in this area too. For some of them, it is a very difficult matter. Immodestly clad women can open the door for even Chrisitan women to think impure thoughts that if indulged in, begin a cycle of lust that may also lead to the viewing of pornographic material of either gender. The chest area of a lady is perhaps one of the most importsnt areas to keep covered, loosely! because for some, that is one of the most tempting areas of all. I will not incriminate anyone(s) or reveal part of someones' past or present struggles to justify the veracity of my claim, but I will tell you that it might surprise you the women who have and do struggle with this very thing. It is not necessary that a woman who struggles with this even to have had "a past." All it truly takes is a little backsliding. I share this with you only so that you'll be aware and sensative to these ladies. It is not a matter that a lady tends to readily admit to having a problem with so you may never know who these ladies are. The more you write, and work with, and minister to women in matters like these, you must be mindful of these cases. You do not want to offend them and lose their ear to the truth you have for them from the Bible. I honestly hope and pray that I haven't and won't lose anyone's ear to the truth. I just want to help people and love people. And for them to hear the truth. If you have only read this and haven't read the previous one on modesty, please do! I encourage you to! Thanks for taking time to read this. Hope all may understand the real need for modesty. Thanks my dear friend for saying something to me about this! I wasn't sure before about putting something similar to this in my previous post, but you encouraged me and I put what you said in your words. Thanks for your friendship. You are the best! For His glory, Karla

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