Friday, October 28, 2011

Why Hello There:)

Howdy, Yall!

Hope all is well with each and everyone of you who read this blog. We are all doing well! I don't know if I have ever told yall this but I have a sweet true love. I can talk to Him anytime of the day! I don't have to wait till He's off of work because He works all the time and still has time for me no matter the hour. What a sweet heavenly Prince. Yep, I am aiming to give my best back to Him. He's the truest friend I'll ever have and the best Beloved! My favourite part, well one of my favourite parts to the hymn, Haven of Rest is where we sing my beloved is mine! Oh, I didn't tell ya his name did I? His sweet name is Wonderful...His name is Jesus...He's my dearest Lord and Saviour. He's there for me no matter what! I am never alone! Praise be to my heavenly Father!

Okay, so yall get the point I suppose...I can't promise I won't "gush" again about Jesus again because obviously I can't help myself sometimes and I end up saying something about Him.

Well, our trip to CA was fun and I really enjoyed the Old Paths Christian Conference. I enjoyed hearing Bro. Thomas McConnel and Bro. John Weaver preach. Of course, Bro. Weaver had to do one session where he spoke on a southern general which I always enjoy hearing. We got some cd's of Bro. Weavers and some cd's by Bro. Warren Mark C.(the pastor of the free church that the conference was held at) plus some books that the church had on their table. The thing we have come to learn is to be able to come together with others who we may not see eye to eye on everything but that if there is common ground that we can come together and get along and be friends. Obviously, if it was really some serious stuff that we didn't agree on then we would have problems. These people are for free church and christian covenant marriage. Yes, they do not ask permission of the state to be married because the Lord ordained marriage not the state and therefore they believe in adhering to biblical principles. I'd never marry if the man refused to do it any other way! My King is Jesus and His book is my standard and my rule book. He is my master. And I plan on starting on the right foot by including Him into the marriage instead of Him taking a hike so the government can be in the the marriage contract instead of the Lord...sheesh, I have more sense than that! Anyway, we had a wonderful time the 2 times we had meals at the pastor and his wife's home while we were there. We went to Visalia and Fresno while there. We also by my request were able to stop at Riemer's Icecream Shop and their candy/gift shop. I like going to the candy shop because they have these wonderful packets of desert tea (hot tea) and there are just so good! We also did some other things while there.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I was able to talk to two people about law. They had some great info to share. I was given some information on registering and licensing. Basically, what licensing is really for, etc. There's more to it than you would know. Many people are ignorant about how we can operate lawfully(there's a difference between lawful and legal. just because something is legal doesn't make it lawful.) without a license, etc. It is important on what kind fo words we use in regards to our travel and how we operate in regards to operating a vehicle, etc. If you know the right words to say it can make a difference. I recommend watching John Quade's youtube videos on Common Law (he speaks on Bible common law not this perverted/distorted view that many have today of common law) and Aaron Russo's Freedom to Fascism for starter's. They are helpful. Here's a tid bit of info I learned... if you say you are an independent contractor than yes the Irs will be hounding you but if you claim to be a private contractor it's a bit different.

Anyway, I better go but I do need to say that if yall haven't noticed by now, I am the main poster on here for our family unless I am posting my beliefs(although, my family pretty much believes the same). So, update on behalf of the Ward family.

Hope everyone has a blessed evening! Try to stay warm.

On behalf of the C Ward Family,

Miss Karla

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