Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Karla's Stance part 5.4

Howdy! Hope everyone is well. We are doing well here. I planted some green and royal burgundy beans the other day out in one of our hoop houses. Hopefully, we won't have another spider mite infestation. Ya know there are just wayyy too many bad insects that like to prey on our veggies! Praise the Lord for Azamax, though. It is awsome. It's not a pesticide(that'd be harmful to the air which we breathe and for our bodies). Azamax is for those of us who would rather use something natural or organic.

I just finished "Preparing To Be A Help Meet" by Debi Pearl and I must say it was wonderful! It was encouraging, convicting, and I learned some things from it that I wouldn't of thought about...well, years later maybe. Which I need to learn now not later! So, now I am focusing on things in my life and how I am now that I need to work on and in doing so I am asking the Lord to change me in those areas. She said in the book that we young ladies shouldn't worry about finding Mr. Right what we need to be focusing on is becoming Miss Right for when Mr. Right comes along. She is so right!!! That's exactly what we need to be doing. So, our prayer should be that we would become whatever we need to become for whoever the Lord will bring in the future. I do believe that it'd also be good for guys to pray and ask the Lord to help them to be what his future wife would need, to help him be the kind of husband and father that the Lord would have him to be. I am not saying that he's gonna be her helper...NO WAY! She is to be her husband's help meet/helper. Come on now, don't be putting words in my mouth ya hear? *smiles at goofy readers* Anyway,the thing is is that the way you are now is how you will most likely be after you get married and if that's the case then I'd examine myself and see what needs a working on. Is there a quiet disobedience in your heart young woman? Young man do you honour your parents? Those are just the tip of the iceberg. But, I think yall get my drift.

I highly recommend the book. There are maybe less than 5 things I disagreed with in the book if even that many. Which I don't think there was 5 but at least 1 or 2 things. It's great for unmarried and married women to read. I believe both should read it. I have observed married couples and I have seen how I don't want to be or how I do want to be. I have seen enough to know what kind of a husband I would like to have, too. It is very good to observe people you usually can get an idea how they might be all the time or a hint as to their character. Also, if you pay attention to the things they speak and how they react to things you say then you'll most likely have an understanding of what they believe in how they react to what is said if they do react. Because by doing so it has helped me decide that I am not interested in marrying a person or maybe made me or my Dad hesitate. I observe character and so does my Dad.

Okay, so by now, I should get into my stance on the daughters. The Bible is my stance so I therefore stand with the Bible. It is my standard. We see pictures, patterns, and practices in the Bible that show use the roles of daughters when they are given. Daughters lived at home usually especially children of God. Rebekah lived with her family. She worked at home furthering her family. Although, it doesn't say that you can imagine that she had other blessings(important chores) around their home and land to take care of. Rachel and Leah were at home under their father's protection and care. They didn't work outside of their home and land. These women were at home till they married. Back then women sewed, they weaved, they spun their thread, and many other things. These women knew what hard work was. They sure weren't lazy like today's women. If a girl is gonna work then why not for her family instead of furthering some other man's vision. I do not see how that honours God. If a girl is gonna follow the biblical picture/pattern then she shouldn't spend all day reading or gabbing on the phone or on facebook. She should limit herself to those things. She should be seeking to further her feminine skills, educating herself on real history, learning new things like another language or something. When I say feminine skills what I mean is sewing, knitting, crocheting, and even embroidery(you can embroider pillows and embroider Scriptures to place on you wall). There are many other feminine skills/arts I could name but I just encourage you to think of more skills a young lady can be taught. I do believe she should learn to fix things like the kitchen sink or the toilet in case she's home alone sometime and has no other option but to do it herself. She needs to learn to change the oil. Basically, she should be well rounded. I will say that I would think that would be something that a man would appreciate when he finds his future wife but then again it might depend if that man is well rounded, too. I don't mean he needs to know feminine skills so don't get that idea into your head.

Young ladies should be taught from the time their little to be ladies. Meaning to look like one and act like one! She should know how to to cook at least a few things by the time she turns 8. I know a family that has sons only. The mother starts teaching them to cook at the age of 5. I was highly impressed when she told me that. I know a little girl that when she was 8 her Mama was already teaching her how to hand sew/stitch and her Mama helped her sew on the sewing machine a couple times. I thought that was so neat. Daughters should be productive not slothful and lazy sitting around daydreaming. A man wants to know that his heart can safely trust in her.

A mother should set a good example by embracing her role as wife and mother. She should lead a good example of how she treats her husband because little girls pick up on these things and chances are she'll be like her Mama so Mama ought to be very careful in how she acts, reacts, and the things she says to her husband. If two believers marry with it being the Lord's will for them, too then I do believe that there is no reason their home should be a home of bickering at all. There should be almost 0 arguing. And when they have a disagreement it should be not in a hateful tone. The Bible says be angry and sin not. So, I figure that we should be telling the Lord all about it and pray and ask how to handle the disagreement. It really is best to keep our mouths shut if we are going to say something we will regret or hurt someone with our words. That is not Christ like at all! Not saying any of us are perfect but thinking before speaking is wise. The Bible says that we need to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. It also says in Proverbs 14:29, He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. If a couple talks things out as they happen then it'll keep things from growing and growing until there's a blow up on either or both sides. Anyway, back to daughters. The mother sets the tone for the daughter and she is to be the good example and even godly if she allows the Lord to have His way with her then she'll become godly over time.

I should mention that if it doesn't interfere with the daughter serving her family then she should be willing to help young mothers if they need help in their home with something. She can minister to that mother by doing that. She can encourage her siblings, and teach them what she knows or what she has learned. She should look for ways to be a blessing to others.

I guess I am done for the time being on this subject but if I believe the Lord wants me to write more on daughters then I will. Hope everyone has a wonderful-good night!

Planted like a tree by the rivers of water,


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ello There

Ello Dears,

I wanted to give a quick update to say I haven't forgotten totally about blogging:) I just haven't had time. But, I hope to write in the next week so with updates of photos recently taken of the rain barrels and such plus write more on my stance. My dearest and adorable brother, Bradley and I are going to Lord-willing to get started on planting some cool crops tomorrow and then some on Thursday. Hope yall try something new like growing a garden:) It's really not hard to grow from seed:)

Have a goodnight everyone and remember the Lord is good!

On behalf of the Ward family,


Friday, August 12, 2011

The Revival Hymn (FULL)

I remember listening to this a few months(in May) before I trusted Christ as my own personal saviour. I believe the Lord was using it for His glory. He was pricking me without me realizing what He was doing. I look back and I now, see how He was working to bring me to my knees and to cry out to Him. I had been so tired by the time I finally surrendered to His calling on November 25,2007...I was so tired of struggling with whether I was saved or lsot. I had been crying out to God for a month or so asking Him to show me the truth of it all so that if I was on my way to hell that I could get it taken care of. I knew I deserved a burning hell but I sure didn't want to go there!!! I praise and thank the Lord for Him calling me unto salvation! I truly can say Praise His Name! If you read my testimony you will see where I quote two different people in it from the revival hymn but you won't realize it until you listen to the Revival hymn and then read my testimony. I am so proud to be a daughter of the King. I surely don't deserve it. It was not by anything I had done that was :worthy" because I was not worthy of such a King. I was a poor excuse of a so called unregenerate "christian". Sure everyone thought I was a good little christiam girl but I had my battles. The difference now is that I am truly born again and the Lord fights my battles for me if I confess them to Him when I know I need Him to do it all. Amen! I dearly love Him so. He has been the most perfect to me:)

I guess I will quit for now, although I could go on and on about the Lord!

I will warn you though you should wanna skip the so called christian rock that is played inbetween a couple of preachers...it's not very Christ honouring not that any background music like that could be honouring to the Lord. I skipped over it so I couldn't tell ya about the lyrics.

Anyway, I truly hope that everyone reading this blog will take the time to listen to this and I hope it'd truly be a blessing to you. It's only 35 minutes but so worth the listening:)

In Christ alone,


Water Fluoridation DVD

Water Fluoridation DVD You can watch this for free till August 13th which is tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Geocentricity Part 1 or I Felt The Earth Move Under My Feet! (Or Did You)

This was pretty good! Just didn't care for the protestant flag aka christian flag w/gold fringe & military u.s. flag in the background. Usually, when a flag has gold fringe on it it means under jurisdiction of Meritime law(naval law of the sea).

I do encourage yall not to approach the Bible with a preconceived idea or notion. Because when we do we try to make it justify our belief that we have been taught. Our prayer should be that the Lord would help us to approach the Bible as a little child and to approach it as if we know nothing at all. Otherwise we won't allow the Bible to change our thinking in what we have been taught. Because what we have been taught does not always line up with the Bible. That's how unbiblical, ungodly doctrines/practices creep in...we as a family and as individuals study things so that we can line up with the Bible. We should not conform the Bible to us and our way of thinking. We should conform ourselves to the Bible and it's way which is the Lord's way.

Hope yall learn something from this Bible Study. There are 5 parts to it. It won't do yall any good if you don't listen to all 5 parts.Link so you can watch all 5 parts

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Exreme Oath of the Jesuits

We listened to this awhile back and I decided to look it up again today. I been meaning to put this on here on behalf of our family. It's informative. The only thing is that is Greg is wrong on saying this was a protestant nation. This never was protestant nor christian. Once you start digging deep you will find out that George Washington didn't really understand salvation. He was a 33rd degree Freemason. And he was close friends with Jesuit Bishop John Carrol(his brother, who was Jesuit trained, was a signer of the declaration of independence).

This is from (he's a christian man)Chris Pinto's site. www.noiseofthunder.com

From an article posted on Irish Nationalism titled,
“George Washington’s Death Bed Conversion to Catholicism”

George Washington, the first president of the United States, served from 1789 to 1797 in that capacity. A popular slogan concerning him was that he was “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

On December 13, 1799, Washington (aged 67 years) was exposed to a storm of sleet and developed a cold. He rested in bed at his home in Mount Vernon, Virginia.

On the morning of the 14th at 3:00, he had a severe attack of membranous croup. At daybreak, Mrs. Washington sent for the only physician, Dr. Craik. Two other physicians also came, but all three together could not save him. Washington died between 10:00 and 11:00 that night. (1)

About four hours before Washington’s death, Father Leonard Neale, a Jesuit priest was called to Mount Vernon from St. Mary’s Mission across the Piscataway River. Washington had been an Episcopalian, but was baptized into the Roman Catholic Church that night. After Washington’s death, a picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary and one of St. John were found among the effects on an inventory of articles at his home. (2) George Washington had an interest in Roman Catholicism for many years. His servant Juba stated that the General made the Sign of the Cross before meals. He may have learned this practice from his Catholic lieutenants, John Fitzgerald or Stephen Moylan. At Valley Forge, Washington had forbidden during “Pope’s Day,” the burning in effigy of the Roman Pontiff. As President, Washington slipped into
a Catholic Church several times to attend Sunday Mass. (3)

Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) praised George Washington highly in an encyclical Longinque Oceani of January 6, 1893, to the bishops of America: “We highly esteem and love exceedingly the young and vigorous American nation, in which we plainly
discern latent forces for the advancement alike of civilization and of Christianity. . . Without morality the State cannot endure – a truth which that illustrious citizen of yours, whom we have just mentioned [‘the great Washington’] with a keenness
of insight worthy of his genius and statesmanship perceived and proclaimed. . . Thanks are due to the equity of the laws which obtain in America and customs of the well-ordered Republic. For the Church amongst you, unopposed by the Constitution and the government of your nation, fettered by no hostile legislation, protected against violence by the common laws and the impartiality of the tribunals, is free to live and act without hindrance.”

Washington was a student of the writings on political philosophy of St. Robert Bellarnine and St. Thomas Aquinas. George Washington, James Madison, and some of the other Founding Fathers incorporated into the Constitution in 1787 some of
these two saints’ ideas about how to set up a Republic. (4) In a like manner, Thomas Jefferson had studied these saints and incorporated some of their concepts into the Declaration of Independence in 1776. (5)

A question, therefore, the reader can pose to friends is as follows: Who was the first man who served as U.S. President, who was at the time of his death a Roman Catholic? Most people will say John F. Kennedy, but the correct answer is George
Washington, the Father of our Country.

Update on (the glorious)Covenant Marriage:)

Hey, Yall!

I spoke to my friend's Mama on the phone the other night. Their pastor does covenant marriages. His children have covenant marriages not licenses. Their pastor is amazing. He knows how to defend himself in court and has won several times. Anyway, I had known that you could write up an agreement or a will for just in case one of the spouses dies that it'd go to the living spouse. But, I forgot about trusts. She was telling me that there's amna there who's wife passed away. His wife had been a widow when he married her and had children from her previous marriage. Well, her children were not happy about how the will was written up and took him to court(I guess he didn't know how to defend himself in court otherwise he probably could of won.You gotta learn how to defend yourself so that you won't have to rely on those barfly lawyers...that's another whole thing I won't get into at the moment but they leave a bad taste in my mouth after learning the truth about the BAR and how they operate... any that call themselves a christian and are a lawyer take it with a grain of salt.) and now, the man has to pay her children money. He said to do a trust because then you;re safe but the thing is there are different trusts and the safest is a Common Law trust(can't be broken). Real common law is what we use to practice before Roman Civil law came into being is what we have today. But, we still Have access to real common law if we know how, that is. Any time we want to do things the right way and bring honour and glory to the Almighty God, He will make a way especially if we tell him about it, plus pray about it. He is faithful and He is looking for those who are willing to go against man's traditions and instead seeking the old path/righteousness. We should want to honour the Lord with our very being. Anyway, I believe that these things are important to know. I believe the Lord would want us to search out the truth in all things/matters. I believe He would not have us be ignorant. He can use us even more if we applied ourselves to His book and to searching out the truth in all things. You never know what He could do with us or when you might need to know these things. But, I believe we ought to always be prepared which means research! Ask the Lord to reveal the truth about every single thing, to lead you into all truth and righteousness. Well, looks like I need to be getting ready for bed and gotta make our fort real quick.

Hope all's well with yall. May the Lord bless you and goodnight!

On Behalf of the Ward Family,


Monday, August 1, 2011

Karla's Stance-Miscellanous pt. 2

Hey, Yall! Hope everyone is well. I posted part 5.3 Earlier this week, in case none of yall saw it just scroll down. It's below the videos on youth culture.


Here's a page to look at: Fixed Earth 67 Verses in the Bible

Here's a short article a friend of my friend D. wrote on this subject:

Our solar system Geocentric or Heliocentric? I find this topic very interesting but I suppose this could be referred to as a "doubtful disputation" (Romans 14). Its really doesn't matter what I believe or what you believe because ultimately this is not something I would break fellowship over. But I believe it is Geocentric (that is Earth centered). And to prove my theory I will use none other than the Bible...

(please don't comment on this article giving me "scientific proof" cause I don't believe 90% of science unless it can be backed up by the Bible)

In Psalms 93:1 it says, "...the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved."

If the earth can not be moved then how is it rotating around the Sun?? Look at Psalms 19 starting at the end of verse 4 for context. "...In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. 6His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof." The Sun has circuits. It moves in circles. This passage also proves my conclusion that there is only 1 solar system which is ours. It says that nothing is hid from the heat of our sun. Well, if there are other solar systems the sun would not be able to reach and warm, even a little, those other solar systems... But that is another topic.

In Ecclesiastes Solomon said "The sun also ariseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to his place where he arose." The wisest man that ever lived said that the sun rises. Now you can say, "Well, that is from man's eyes. He is just going by what he sees." I don't believe that and here is why look at Matthew 5:45 in the middle of the verse "...For he maketh his sun to rise..." Jesus Christ, God, said that the sun rose... Do I need further proof? You can tell me that Jesus was talking to men and so he used something men would understand but God is not a God of confusion. "He maketh" every day that sun comes up God is making it come up. That just excites me... But back on track.

Now, if you want to get into typology and all that then fine. The Sun represents Jesus Christ, the Earth equals the world, and the moon is the church. Now you can tell me "Are you saying that the Sun (Jesus Christ) rotates around the earth? That is a devilish thought saying man is the center of the universe!" Now, based on that argument your right how could I possibly think that Son of God rotates around the world. But this argument is missing something... where's the moon?? No matter what the moon needs to rotate around something. In this whole Typology mess this is what I believe: The Sun (Christ) and the Moon (Church) both rotate around the Earth (World) giving them light both physically and spiritually.

X-mas articles and links:
Should a Christian Celebrate X-mas?

To start this study out lets look at some quotes from a book entitled: Sabbats: A Witch’s Approach To Living The Old Ways by Edain McCoy (A Practicing Witch)

(Page 53): “Yule is a time of mixed emotions for pagans. All around us we see evidence of the Christmas celebration…one which we know takes its form and meaning from ancient pagan practices. Virgin births, decorated trees, festive lights, feasting, wreaths, bells, and fragrant fires, were-and still are-at the heart of pagan Midwinter observances.”

(Page 59): “For pagans, this usurping of Yule (by Christians) has one great advantage-it has preserved for us many ancient Yule customs which might otherwise have been lost. Look in any book and Christmas customs around the globe and you will find a plethora of pagan traditions.”

(Pages 85 and 86): “Music is another important part of Yule, and Christmas carols are yet another idea taken from paganism. Many common Christmas carols contain pagan images that are not so subtle. “Carols are form an Old /French word meaning “joyous songs”, and were also the name of round dances celebrating the rebirth of the Frankish pagan gods. The English Christmas Carol “Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly” contains not one Christian religious image.” (Note: That is because the images mentioned are pagan in their origin as we will see.) “When Yule rolls around you should feel free to have a lighted tree in your home, hang a wreath on your door, ring the jingle bells, and give gifts in memory of loved ones. Remember that this is a Sabbat, a pagan festival, a time that marks the return of the Sun god both to his Goddess Bride and to his joyous people.”

Yule or Yule-tide is a winter festival that was initially celebrated by the historical Germanic peoples as a pagan religious festival, though it was later absorbed into, and equated with, the Christian festival of Christmas. The festival was originally celebrated from late December to early January on a date determined by the lunar Germanic calendar. The festival was placed on December 25 when the Christian (Julian) calendar was adopted. Some historians claim that the celebration is connected to the Wild Hunt or was influenced by Saturnalia, the Roman winter festival.

II Corinthians 2:11: "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yule

II Corinthians 6:15-19: “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”

Galatians 4:16: “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Is X-Mas Biblical? Let explore the facts so you can see for yourself. On 12/24/1871 Charles H. Spurgeon said: "We have no superstitious regard for times and seasons. Certainly we do not believe in the present ecclesiastical arrangement called Christmas. First because we do not believe in any mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be sung in Latin or in English: Secondly, because we find no scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and consequently, its observance is a superstition,.. It was not till the middle of the third century that any part of the Church celebrated the birth of our Lord;.. Probably the fact is that the 'holy' days were arranged to fit in with the heathen festivals. We venture to assert that if there be any day in the year of which we may be pretty sure that it was not the day on which our Savior was born it is the 25th of December. Regarding not the day, let us give God thanks for the gift of His dear Son. How absurd to think we could do it in the spirit of the world, with a Jack Frost clown, a deceptive worldly Santa Claus, and a mixed program of sacred truth with fun, deception and fiction…The Catholics and high Church Episcopalians may have their Christmas one day in 365 but we have a Christ gift the entire year." Dec. 25 is known as the 'nativity' of the sun or birthday of Tammuz (the pagan equivalent of the son of god). If you would like this teaching emailed to you just let me know.
For the rest of this teaching go here to listen: http://www.contendingfortruth.com/?p=1072

The Origin of Christmas and its Traditions
Part 1
Part 2Part 3

The History of Christmas
Scholars do not know the exact date of Christ's birth. For more than 300 years, people observed HIS birthday on various dates. In the year A.D.354, Bishop Liberius of Rome "ORDERED" the people to celebrate on December 25th. He probably chose this date because the people of Rome already observed it as the Feast of Saturn, celebrating the birth of the sun. Christians honored Christ, instead of Saturn, as the light of the World.

For many years, people observed Christmas as a religious festival only. They gradually adopted more and more customs "UNRELATED" to the church. In England, during the Middle Ages, Christmas became the "merriest" day of the year. Celebrations eventually became so rowdy that the Puritans in England DID AWAY with the observance of Christmas by law in 1643. Colonists in New England copied the English laws known as the Blue Laws. But eventually, immigrants brought with them Christmas customs from many lands.

Christmas today affects most industries because of the millions of persons who buy products of all kinds as gifts. Manufacturers often begin planning the next year's sales as soon as the holidays are over.

In most "department stores", children can tell SANTA CLAUS what they want for Christmas. They wait in long lines to climb the sparkling "throne" where Santa sits in his red and white suit. The whole area looks like fairyland, with huge colorful displays of the latest toys. Merchants sell more of almost every kind of product during Christmas season than at any other time of year". World Book Encyclopedia

How grievous and sad that the people of natural knowledge in the World know more about the truth of this holiday than those who profess to be children of God. How sad, in that we are to be the ones taking a stand on the Holy Scriptures. Yet we are just as blinded by the god of this world. Once again, let us look at a few things through the SPIRITUAL EYES. We will deal more in detail with Santa Claus later.

First we now know why the celebrating of Christmas was NEVER mentioned in the Bible. It has no root in the Holiness of the Kingdom of God. It may be an issue with Christianity, but that in itself today is a vast array of different organizations, denominations and doctrines of men. The Kingdom of God is orderly, perfect and has but ONE DOOR, ONE WAY, ONE TRUTH and ONE LIFE. We now at least know where the roots lie of this pagan ritual. And remember again, how can we as Born-Again believers take something from SATAN and dedicate it to our Lord Jesus Christ? It is strange fire!! These are NOT my views and opinions either. I am standing purely on the Word of God. The roots of this origin come right out of the World system of Babylon!!--Listen to this!

"Alas, alas, that great city BABYLON, that mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come. And the MERCHANTS of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no manbuyeth their merchandise any more" REVELATION 18:10-11

Will you continue to buy from the merchants of Babylon? Will you continue to say, no big deal, God has mercy? The early fathers of this nation, the Puritans who fled from Roman Catholic Doctrine, came from England and OUTLAWED this observance!! I think you can see why by now.

It has only been over the past 100 years now that this holiday has begun to be observed again in America. We have now only partially exposed the foundation of this order. When we get into all the things associated with Christmas, I pray you will be as appalled as I was when the Holy Spirit taught me the truth. If Christ—Mass came from a mass for Christ, then just that fact alone should cause alarm, for the Catholic Mass is one of demonic deprivation and truly blasphemes and transgresses the Blood at Calvary's Cross. Can you honestly say you want to observe something whose foundation and origins and roots stem from blaspheming the Blood of Jesus Christ?

The True Meaning of Christ-Mass

They tell us that it is the season to be jolly. It is a time of ornaments, red and green decorations, silver bells, holly, mistletoe and colored lights. It is also a time of department store Santas calling out their universal mantra, "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas." Nearly all of the realm of so-called "Christianity" join in and repeat this same greeting, "Merry Christmas!"

Although we hear these words constantly as they resonate millions of times throughout the land, almost nobody understands what they are really saying. It is the purpose of this tract to take the words, "Merry Christmas" and examine the true meaning and essence of those words.

A true Christian would want to examine everything they say, because Jesus said in Matthew 12:36-37, "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgement. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned." We will now set aside all of the customs, glitter and traditions of Christmas, which were taken from pagan witchcraft and popularized by the Roman Catholic Church, and we will focus on the true meaning of the words, "Merry Christmas!"

The word "Merry" is simple to define. It unquestionably means to be happy, joyful and light-hearted. The word "merry" fits into the ambience of laughter and frivolity. This word "merry" by itself is innocent and innocuous enough, but as we will now see, it becomes heinously blasphemous when used with the word "Christmas."

Here let it be noted that most people think that the word, "Christmas" means "the birth of Christ." By definition, it means "death of Christ", and I will prove it by using the World Book Encyclopedia, the Catholic Encyclopedia, and a book entitled, The Mass In Slow Motion.

If you are an honest, sincere and discerning Christian, please read on; if not, you might as well stop right here. The World Book Encyclopedia defines "Christmas" as follows: "The word Christmas comes from "Cristes Maesse", an early English phrase that means "Mass of Christ." (1) It is interesting to note that the word "Mass", as used by the Roman Catholics, has traditionally been rejected by the so-called Protestants, such as Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals and so on. The word "Mass" is strictly a Catholic word and thus, so is "Christ-Mass."

It would stand to reason, that since all of these denominations love and embrace "Christ-Mass", that December 25th is the great homecoming day, when all of the Protestants become Catholic for a day. It would seem that all of the so-called "wayward daughters" of the Romish church return to their mother, the scarlet harlot. Thus, all of the so-called Protestant churches could sing to the Pope that popular song "I'll be home for Christmas."

As previously stated, the word "Mass" in religious usage means a "death sacrifice." The impact of this fact is horrifying and shocking; for when the millions of people are saying, "Merry Christmas", they are literally saying "Merry death of Christ!" Furthermore, when the fat man in the red suit laughs boisterously and says, "Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas", he is mocking and laughing at the suffering and bleeding Saviour, who died for our sins. He does this while parents place their little children into his waiting arms to hear his false promises of gifts that he says he will give them. Consider what you are saying when you say "Merry Christmas."

What is so amusing about our Saviour's painful death? What is so funny? Why is Santa laughing? Why are you going along with it? Your words do count and Satan knows it. Yes, the word "Mass" does mean "death sacrifice", and to cement that fact, we will consider the definition of the inventors of the religious application of the word "Mass." I am looking at page 537 of the Catholic Encyclopedia, which says, "In the Christian law, the supreme sacrifice is that of the Mass." It goes on to say, "The supreme act of worship consists essentially in an offering of a worthy victim to God, the offering made by a proper person, as a priest, the destruction of the victim." (2) Please note carefully the word, "victim" of the Mass. The Latin word for victim is "Hostia" from which the word "host" is derived. The Mass, by definition of those who coined the word, is a sacrifice involving a victim. There is no other meaning for the word "Mass" or "Christ-Mass." On page 110 of a book entitled "The Mass In Slow Motion", we find the following words: "It is only with the consecration that the sacrifice of the Mass is achieved. I have represented the Mass to you, more than once, as a kind of ritual dance." (3)

In essence, the Mass is the ceremonial slaying of Jesus Christ over and over again, followed by the eating of his flesh and the drinking of his blood. The Mass is the death sacrifice, and the "Host" is the victim. This is official Roman Catholic doctrine, and "Christmas" is a word that they invented. Again, I ask, what is so merry about the pain, bleeding, suffering and death of Jesus Christ? Satan has done quite a job of getting millions of so-called "Christians" to blaspheme. What a deceiver he is..
Now you know the true meaning of the word "Christmas" or Mass of Christ. There is much more to know about this pagan holiday, and we will be glad to provide you with plenty of evidence that Jesus was not born on December 25th, and that Christmas is not only a lie, but is actually a witches' sabbat called "Yule" in clever disguise. Please contact us at the address below, and for the sake of your soul, flee from idolatry!