Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Karla's Stance part 5.4

Howdy! Hope everyone is well. We are doing well here. I planted some green and royal burgundy beans the other day out in one of our hoop houses. Hopefully, we won't have another spider mite infestation. Ya know there are just wayyy too many bad insects that like to prey on our veggies! Praise the Lord for Azamax, though. It is awsome. It's not a pesticide(that'd be harmful to the air which we breathe and for our bodies). Azamax is for those of us who would rather use something natural or organic.

I just finished "Preparing To Be A Help Meet" by Debi Pearl and I must say it was wonderful! It was encouraging, convicting, and I learned some things from it that I wouldn't of thought about...well, years later maybe. Which I need to learn now not later! So, now I am focusing on things in my life and how I am now that I need to work on and in doing so I am asking the Lord to change me in those areas. She said in the book that we young ladies shouldn't worry about finding Mr. Right what we need to be focusing on is becoming Miss Right for when Mr. Right comes along. She is so right!!! That's exactly what we need to be doing. So, our prayer should be that we would become whatever we need to become for whoever the Lord will bring in the future. I do believe that it'd also be good for guys to pray and ask the Lord to help them to be what his future wife would need, to help him be the kind of husband and father that the Lord would have him to be. I am not saying that he's gonna be her helper...NO WAY! She is to be her husband's help meet/helper. Come on now, don't be putting words in my mouth ya hear? *smiles at goofy readers* Anyway,the thing is is that the way you are now is how you will most likely be after you get married and if that's the case then I'd examine myself and see what needs a working on. Is there a quiet disobedience in your heart young woman? Young man do you honour your parents? Those are just the tip of the iceberg. But, I think yall get my drift.

I highly recommend the book. There are maybe less than 5 things I disagreed with in the book if even that many. Which I don't think there was 5 but at least 1 or 2 things. It's great for unmarried and married women to read. I believe both should read it. I have observed married couples and I have seen how I don't want to be or how I do want to be. I have seen enough to know what kind of a husband I would like to have, too. It is very good to observe people you usually can get an idea how they might be all the time or a hint as to their character. Also, if you pay attention to the things they speak and how they react to things you say then you'll most likely have an understanding of what they believe in how they react to what is said if they do react. Because by doing so it has helped me decide that I am not interested in marrying a person or maybe made me or my Dad hesitate. I observe character and so does my Dad.

Okay, so by now, I should get into my stance on the daughters. The Bible is my stance so I therefore stand with the Bible. It is my standard. We see pictures, patterns, and practices in the Bible that show use the roles of daughters when they are given. Daughters lived at home usually especially children of God. Rebekah lived with her family. She worked at home furthering her family. Although, it doesn't say that you can imagine that she had other blessings(important chores) around their home and land to take care of. Rachel and Leah were at home under their father's protection and care. They didn't work outside of their home and land. These women were at home till they married. Back then women sewed, they weaved, they spun their thread, and many other things. These women knew what hard work was. They sure weren't lazy like today's women. If a girl is gonna work then why not for her family instead of furthering some other man's vision. I do not see how that honours God. If a girl is gonna follow the biblical picture/pattern then she shouldn't spend all day reading or gabbing on the phone or on facebook. She should limit herself to those things. She should be seeking to further her feminine skills, educating herself on real history, learning new things like another language or something. When I say feminine skills what I mean is sewing, knitting, crocheting, and even embroidery(you can embroider pillows and embroider Scriptures to place on you wall). There are many other feminine skills/arts I could name but I just encourage you to think of more skills a young lady can be taught. I do believe she should learn to fix things like the kitchen sink or the toilet in case she's home alone sometime and has no other option but to do it herself. She needs to learn to change the oil. Basically, she should be well rounded. I will say that I would think that would be something that a man would appreciate when he finds his future wife but then again it might depend if that man is well rounded, too. I don't mean he needs to know feminine skills so don't get that idea into your head.

Young ladies should be taught from the time their little to be ladies. Meaning to look like one and act like one! She should know how to to cook at least a few things by the time she turns 8. I know a family that has sons only. The mother starts teaching them to cook at the age of 5. I was highly impressed when she told me that. I know a little girl that when she was 8 her Mama was already teaching her how to hand sew/stitch and her Mama helped her sew on the sewing machine a couple times. I thought that was so neat. Daughters should be productive not slothful and lazy sitting around daydreaming. A man wants to know that his heart can safely trust in her.

A mother should set a good example by embracing her role as wife and mother. She should lead a good example of how she treats her husband because little girls pick up on these things and chances are she'll be like her Mama so Mama ought to be very careful in how she acts, reacts, and the things she says to her husband. If two believers marry with it being the Lord's will for them, too then I do believe that there is no reason their home should be a home of bickering at all. There should be almost 0 arguing. And when they have a disagreement it should be not in a hateful tone. The Bible says be angry and sin not. So, I figure that we should be telling the Lord all about it and pray and ask how to handle the disagreement. It really is best to keep our mouths shut if we are going to say something we will regret or hurt someone with our words. That is not Christ like at all! Not saying any of us are perfect but thinking before speaking is wise. The Bible says that we need to be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath. It also says in Proverbs 14:29, He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly. If a couple talks things out as they happen then it'll keep things from growing and growing until there's a blow up on either or both sides. Anyway, back to daughters. The mother sets the tone for the daughter and she is to be the good example and even godly if she allows the Lord to have His way with her then she'll become godly over time.

I should mention that if it doesn't interfere with the daughter serving her family then she should be willing to help young mothers if they need help in their home with something. She can minister to that mother by doing that. She can encourage her siblings, and teach them what she knows or what she has learned. She should look for ways to be a blessing to others.

I guess I am done for the time being on this subject but if I believe the Lord wants me to write more on daughters then I will. Hope everyone has a wonderful-good night!

Planted like a tree by the rivers of water,


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