Thursday, September 10, 2009

Swine Flue Vac

Makers of Vaccine Refuse to Take H1N1(aka swine flu)

1 comment:

  1. Last night I did a Google search on "h1n1 vaccine mercury" and found some interesting results. I decided a while back that no matter how hard they try to pressure everyone to get it, I'm still not going to (even though I'm pregnant so they would want me to get it first). I'd rather trust God than put something potentially harmful into my body.

    I know this sounds "conspiracy theorist", but I was thinking the other day about how they're REALLY pushing this vaccine on pregnant women (as if they really care about us), but Obama's "science czar" would like to make the population sterile and wants to limit the number of children people have. I wouldn't be surprised if this vaccine causes future fertility problems for the women taking them, or causes some of the unborn babies to have mental problems.

    I just don't trust Obama and his crew...
