Friday Pa took Bradley and I to a Thai Restaurant. It was Bradley and I's first time. And we liked it very much. We had a yellow curry sauce, noodles, and rice.
I thought I would post a picture of it all on my plate.
We are a family seeking to bring honour and glory to God. We believe that the AV 1611 is God's perfect, inspired, infallible, inerrant wordS and therefore we have no need of any Hebrew,Greek or commentaries. God has given us the AV 1611 for an English speaking people and that the end time language is English. We are not only Bible believers but Bible doers. That the Bible is our sole authority meaning that we go to the Bible first and search it before going to anyone else. We believe in being family oriented and doing things together as a family. We believe daughters are to be under the authority and protection of their fathers. That at home is where they are trained to fulfil the biblical role of a young woman(Ps.113:9, 1Tim. 5:14, and Titus 2) and to be chaste, modest(dress distinctly like a lady, too Deu 22:5, Is 47:1-3),and virtuous. We believe in cov marriage and free churches. We care about natural health. We believe that the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross. He shed His blood for us and rose on the 3rd day to show that He was God. That Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and the only way to Heaven is through Him.
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