Sunday, September 25, 2011

It's been awhile...

Howdy, Yall!
I know it's been awhile since we posted anything and I (Karla) will try to get back to writing more on my stance in October. I've been busy trying to get everything done that needs to be done before and for our upcoming trip to visit friends in SoCal and the Christian Conference that we'll be attending there, Lord-willing. I am really looking forward to it! It's gonna be so much fun! Anyways, I would like to ask for prayer for my eyes. Before we've thought there was a possibility that I could have water behind them but it could be also that I just need an even stronger prescription for my lenses. Who knows since the eye doc seemed to think the increase in my prescription was fine and didn't understand what I was trying to describe to him my issue with my eyes. I had to go to two different eye doctors. It's kind of aggravating... I know I never ask for prayer on here! I guess I just don't like to broadcast it but I would like to have clear eyesight for once. I started having issues again and it bothers me. Thanks Yall:) I appreciate it! Also, I know this may sound ridiculous to some but please can yall pray for our kitty Butterscotch she has a puncture wound because one of our family member's dog(a boxer) got her. Butterscotch is small and so it wouldn't of taken much for the dog to have killed her. I have told myself that I will not ever get a boxer...they are too aggressive and they have a hard time leaving cats alone but I really thought I was about to witness a death. I had come up the whole scene and tried to keep the dog away from her and there was no way I could reach Butterscotch from where I was. I screamed so loud and frantically that a family member ran out and I yelled for them to get that dog. Hey, what can I say I was very upset and more. My goodness I can't believe the kitty and me lived through it! Praise God she is okay so far but I have to keep doctoring her. I am truly thankful for Mrs. P who helped me with the kitty's wound the other night. I called her because I knew she had experience with kitties with wounds. What a real blessing!

Anyway, I better get going. Hope everyone has a blessed evening!

On behalf of my wonderful family,


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