Sunday, July 31, 2011
Boyd Dellinger - Providing Stability for Youth
I have never heard of this man but he is right in what he is saying. We need to quit trying to help God by using man made, communistic methods. The Lord doesn't need our "help". His way of doing things is in the Bible and so we need to stop adding to His Book. Anything outside of the Bible is extra biblical. The Lord commanded us to go out to the by ways and highways but what do we do? We no longer assemble together with just believers like the New Testament believers did we now allow heathens in. We minds well forget the Great Commission we don't even believe all of the bible anymore anyways because if we did we'd stop doing things the devils way and start doing things God's way by looking at what the pattern was in the NT. Oh, well we're such a jolly bunch of lukewarms it's so invigorating;) Really what makes you think that it's okay to start "ministries" that have nothing to do with the Bible or the Lord? They may have the semblance of being good or blessed but did you know that if we truly obeyed Scripture and patterned the church and our lives after the Bible that that's where real blessings would come into play? Why not live according to God's Holy Scriptures(KJB) instead? He has a reason for not authorizing those things...the S.S. movement, the youth group, the bus ministry. Sure you may have 1 or 2 actually born again through the bus ministry but what makes you think God couldn't do it any other way besides that? Is anything really too hard for God??? I think not. It doesn't matter what we want it's what God wants and that is for us to live by His book. That is our "rule" book. It is supposed to be our standard isn't it? Don't you think He would get more honour and glory by us following His Book? A lot of times we go by feelings and that's where I question if these things are based on how we feel instead of the Bible. If you wanna be a Bible believer one of the things is to start patterning the church and our lives after it. The Bible gives pictures, patterns, principles, and commandments of how we are to live and what we are supposed to be doing and how the church is to function/be set up.
Truth of the matter is is that it comes down to the fact that they have an authority issue with the Bible and the question is by what authority do you do these things? You have known. If you don't have the authority by God's word to do what you're doing then you have no authority and it's not by God but by your own authority and you are trying to help God out which is wicked. But, then again you see these things have come about from the last century in full force within the corporate church not free church/the Lord's church and which stands to reason corporate churches are filled with 98% to 99% lost people. Many claim to be christians but they ain't. They supposedly got saved sometime but have no recollection of it. They might say well he chastised me or he's taken care of me...yada, yada, yada....what the Lord is really trying to do is get their attention when things happen but they don't wanna listen. If ya can't recall the Lord dealing with you, if he wasn't pricking your heart, if he didn't show you your lostness, if you weren't invited by him to the marriage supper of the Lamb through Him then you have no idea what it is to know Him personally as your Lord and Saviour. It doesn't matter if your parents remember when you were supposedly saved because if you cannot remember then you are not and you need to seek the Lord and ask Him to show you the truth of it all. He will show you the things that did not happen. For me I knew there was never a change, that my prayers never had really been answered like I thought, I couldn't remember anything at all! I was as lost as could be!
Since, I have been saved there were a couple of times I have given my testimony to two different people over the phone. While I was sharing my testimony a family member on Dad's side was within hearing distance and as I was giving my testimony that family member started slamming things and makin' racket. Can you guess why? That family member supposedly professed salvation at the age of 11 or so and they say they can't remember a thing but still say they are saved. They think the Lord has chastened them and that's why they believe it. Honestly, from observing it's possible that the Lord has actually been dealing with that family member about their lost condition. It doesn't mean he's saved just because he thinks he's saved. Chastening is the only thing a believer "experiences". Anyways, I guess I better leave it at that for now. But, don't think I won't speak on this again. As the Lord opens the door then I will. It seems that it is very important for me to do so.
I did not intend to step on any toes but the Bible is true. Let God be true and every man a liar. Amen!
Doug Philips - Fruit of Modern Youth Culture
I do not necessarily endorse his theology but I do agree with him on family and youth according to the Bible.
Voddie Baucham - Danger of a Youth Ministry Sub-Culture
I do not necessarily agree with him doctrinally on everything but his stance biblically on the youth culture and family is right on.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Karla's Stance part 5.3
This is to finish the part on the husband.
I forgot to mention that I believe that when a woman is to go to court that her husband is to go in her place. He is her head and her covering so he is to stand in her place in things like this. I've heard a story before where the wife for some reason got a ticket on the road and the husband went to appear in court. When they called her name he said here I am. At one time things were like that and I am like that today. I don't care what the trend is or how society does things. I care about what is right and what is biblical. If the man is the woman's covering then it's his duty to defend her and take her place in situations like this.
Another thing the husband should be willing to die for her as Christ did for the church, for us. He shouldn't want any harm to come to her. SHE is to be treated like the weaker vessel...Not a china doll. A woman should be hardy but not masculine. She doesn't need to try to be as strong and tough as the man, either. She is just to what God created her the weaker vessel. There's nothing to be shameful of in being the weaker vessel. It's nice and separates us from men. So, like the Bible says treat her like the weaker vessel. Don't call her mean and hurtful names. Don't think it doesn't matter how you treat her because it does. It will scar her for the rest of her life and will not make her confident in anything she does for you or others. She will be more down trodden than not. A woman is like a rose if ya treat her right she will bloom!!! Seriously, that is quite true. She can't respect you if you treat her badly.
If yall remember I spoke on how God created man to work with his hands. Man is made for labour. It's not bad. A man should seek to work with his hands other wise he will get lazy and want the easy work. I believe it is good to know how to work on vehicles, build things,etc. I mean seriously, you know how bad it'd look if you diddn't know how to work on cars but your wife could change the oil, check tire pressure, air the tires, change the spark plugs and maybe the wheel? I myself haven't had the chance to change spark plugs, yet nor the tires but I am aiming to learn how to because ya never know if a man might not be around and I'd be needing to take care of it. My Dad taught me how to change the oil and showed me how to check the tire pressure so that I could air the tires up if I needed to in our vehicle. It can be a little challenging trying to get the air filter off when changing the oil I must say but other than that changing the oil is super easy. Anyway, back in the day fathers used to teach their sons plumbing, electrical work, how to fix vehicles, etc. Today that is not what's being taught most of the time by fathers. I believe a man should try to learn all he can about these things. Good to know how to do these things himself. It will save some money, too. In learning these things the husband can teach his sons how to do these things. Men have too much of soft hands not used to any kind of labour and not enough of rough hands from labour. I am not saying the man's hands have to be so callused and real rough I am just saying he needs to be able or ready to do any kind of labour. He can use these different skills to also teach his sons learning lessons maybe incorporating character building into it and it's also another way to spend time with one another. You should want your sons hearts. The Bible says," Son give me thine heart." If you have his heart you then must work to keep it the same way with your wife and if you have daughters. There is no reason a child should stray his or her parents have their hearts especially the father's.
By the way, if you do treat your wife right, give her attention, and love then she won't look for it from any where else just like if she gives you the respect and admiration you crave then you won't look for it any where else. Notice, I didn't say that she gives you love because love is last for the man not the woman. Men are a bit different then women on that. Also, why should she want to do anything for a pig or monster? Another reason to treat her right. Thankfully, the Bible has spoken on how a husband is supposed to treat his wife which I already covered on the subject of marriage.
Here's a video clip: Go Home & Love Your Wife
The son or sons-
Sons ought to be trained to be a leader and a provider. To be trained to someday be a husband, and daddy. They ought to have godly character instilled in them. They ought to learn to build things and work with their hands. Their imaginations allowed to create things obviously you want to have the right and proper kind of imagination not one that is roaming wild and rebellious. They ought to be taught to protect their sisters and mothers. They ought to be taught manners and how to be a gentleman, as well. He should open doors for his sisters and his mother when Dad isn't around or able to open the door for them. He should be modest in the way he dresses, too. Why is it that men think it's okay to go around showing their legs??? Women look, too! There should not be a double standard in the home that a woman should be totally covered but the man can go out places in shorts. There are women who are just as bad as men when they see legs. If you don't think so then ya are mighty naive about women. Period!
Anyway, boys should never be left to themselves that's when they get themselves into trouble. They always need to be busy whether working with their hands or not their minds need to be engaged in something so they should be constantly learning something. They do not need to be destructive but productive. What they learn should be shared with others. They should be trained with a good work ethic. They should be discipline from a very early age in order to instill boundaries and obedience. The Bible has many verses on disciplining. The Lord gives his children "spankings" so why then would we undermine the Lord and disregard Scripture by not doing the same with our own children? Hebrews 22:6-8,For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?
For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
If you have them trained by the time they are 5 you shouldn't have to discipline them but rarely if at all. Notice that I never once called them kids...why is that? Because a kid is a goat not mankind. Mankind has children or a child not the other way around.
Here's what the Bible has to say on disciplining your children:
Pro 13:24, He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
Pro 19:18, Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.
Proverbs 22:15, Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Proverbs 23:14-15, Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
Proverbs 29:15,17, The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.
Here's a sermon by Steve Anderson. I in no way endorse all of what he preaches since I haven't listened to a lot of him and he is not biblically correct on salvation but he has a wonderful message on the Importance of Family. The Importance of the Family Unit
Another good family series is by S.M. Davis on Just scroll down and you should see it.
Also, I have skipped somethings which I will get to in another post on the home post on my stance on the biblical-ness of midwives and home-birthing and how faith plays apart of it and allowing the Lord to bless with as many children He see fit to. But, next thing before those issues I will write on the daughters in the home.
Contending for the Faith,
I forgot to mention that I believe that when a woman is to go to court that her husband is to go in her place. He is her head and her covering so he is to stand in her place in things like this. I've heard a story before where the wife for some reason got a ticket on the road and the husband went to appear in court. When they called her name he said here I am. At one time things were like that and I am like that today. I don't care what the trend is or how society does things. I care about what is right and what is biblical. If the man is the woman's covering then it's his duty to defend her and take her place in situations like this.
Another thing the husband should be willing to die for her as Christ did for the church, for us. He shouldn't want any harm to come to her. SHE is to be treated like the weaker vessel...Not a china doll. A woman should be hardy but not masculine. She doesn't need to try to be as strong and tough as the man, either. She is just to what God created her the weaker vessel. There's nothing to be shameful of in being the weaker vessel. It's nice and separates us from men. So, like the Bible says treat her like the weaker vessel. Don't call her mean and hurtful names. Don't think it doesn't matter how you treat her because it does. It will scar her for the rest of her life and will not make her confident in anything she does for you or others. She will be more down trodden than not. A woman is like a rose if ya treat her right she will bloom!!! Seriously, that is quite true. She can't respect you if you treat her badly.
If yall remember I spoke on how God created man to work with his hands. Man is made for labour. It's not bad. A man should seek to work with his hands other wise he will get lazy and want the easy work. I believe it is good to know how to work on vehicles, build things,etc. I mean seriously, you know how bad it'd look if you diddn't know how to work on cars but your wife could change the oil, check tire pressure, air the tires, change the spark plugs and maybe the wheel? I myself haven't had the chance to change spark plugs, yet nor the tires but I am aiming to learn how to because ya never know if a man might not be around and I'd be needing to take care of it. My Dad taught me how to change the oil and showed me how to check the tire pressure so that I could air the tires up if I needed to in our vehicle. It can be a little challenging trying to get the air filter off when changing the oil I must say but other than that changing the oil is super easy. Anyway, back in the day fathers used to teach their sons plumbing, electrical work, how to fix vehicles, etc. Today that is not what's being taught most of the time by fathers. I believe a man should try to learn all he can about these things. Good to know how to do these things himself. It will save some money, too. In learning these things the husband can teach his sons how to do these things. Men have too much of soft hands not used to any kind of labour and not enough of rough hands from labour. I am not saying the man's hands have to be so callused and real rough I am just saying he needs to be able or ready to do any kind of labour. He can use these different skills to also teach his sons learning lessons maybe incorporating character building into it and it's also another way to spend time with one another. You should want your sons hearts. The Bible says," Son give me thine heart." If you have his heart you then must work to keep it the same way with your wife and if you have daughters. There is no reason a child should stray his or her parents have their hearts especially the father's.
By the way, if you do treat your wife right, give her attention, and love then she won't look for it from any where else just like if she gives you the respect and admiration you crave then you won't look for it any where else. Notice, I didn't say that she gives you love because love is last for the man not the woman. Men are a bit different then women on that. Also, why should she want to do anything for a pig or monster? Another reason to treat her right. Thankfully, the Bible has spoken on how a husband is supposed to treat his wife which I already covered on the subject of marriage.
Here's a video clip: Go Home & Love Your Wife
The son or sons-
Sons ought to be trained to be a leader and a provider. To be trained to someday be a husband, and daddy. They ought to have godly character instilled in them. They ought to learn to build things and work with their hands. Their imaginations allowed to create things obviously you want to have the right and proper kind of imagination not one that is roaming wild and rebellious. They ought to be taught to protect their sisters and mothers. They ought to be taught manners and how to be a gentleman, as well. He should open doors for his sisters and his mother when Dad isn't around or able to open the door for them. He should be modest in the way he dresses, too. Why is it that men think it's okay to go around showing their legs??? Women look, too! There should not be a double standard in the home that a woman should be totally covered but the man can go out places in shorts. There are women who are just as bad as men when they see legs. If you don't think so then ya are mighty naive about women. Period!
Anyway, boys should never be left to themselves that's when they get themselves into trouble. They always need to be busy whether working with their hands or not their minds need to be engaged in something so they should be constantly learning something. They do not need to be destructive but productive. What they learn should be shared with others. They should be trained with a good work ethic. They should be discipline from a very early age in order to instill boundaries and obedience. The Bible has many verses on disciplining. The Lord gives his children "spankings" so why then would we undermine the Lord and disregard Scripture by not doing the same with our own children? Hebrews 22:6-8,For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.
Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live?
For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness.
Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.
If you have them trained by the time they are 5 you shouldn't have to discipline them but rarely if at all. Notice that I never once called them kids...why is that? Because a kid is a goat not mankind. Mankind has children or a child not the other way around.
Here's what the Bible has to say on disciplining your children:
Pro 13:24, He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
Pro 19:18, Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.
Proverbs 22:15, Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.
Proverbs 23:14-15, Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.
Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
Proverbs 29:15,17, The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.
Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul.
Here's a sermon by Steve Anderson. I in no way endorse all of what he preaches since I haven't listened to a lot of him and he is not biblically correct on salvation but he has a wonderful message on the Importance of Family. The Importance of the Family Unit
Another good family series is by S.M. Davis on Just scroll down and you should see it.
Also, I have skipped somethings which I will get to in another post on the home post on my stance on the biblical-ness of midwives and home-birthing and how faith plays apart of it and allowing the Lord to bless with as many children He see fit to. But, next thing before those issues I will write on the daughters in the home.
Contending for the Faith,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Shelton Family sing, "Lord, Your The Best Thing That's Ever Happen T...
This is what I have been singing for the past two days. What a blessing this song is. I have it on cd. (I like it best with just guitar . )I honestly can say He's been good to me. The best husband I could ever have. He is the lover of my soul. He is my best friend, and my protector. He is dear to me! How wonderful is He. He has taken care of me always:) Praise the Lord! I love Him dearly. I love how He shows me things in His Book. I am so thankful that I didn't turn his invitation down! I know I am saved and I know when and how he was dealing with me. He won't let me forget how he was drawing me to Him. What he had to do to bring me to Him. I accepted Him as my beloved the day I asked Him to be my Lord and Saviour. Amen! Hallelujah! I remember it all! Now, if you don't know when or remember anything but claim the name of Jesus then ya ain't saved. If ya have to ask your parents then chances are ya ain't saved. Because you'll remember the day you got saved. Before I was saved I had it all down. I wore dresses, dressed modestly, listened to godly music, didn't watch the idiot box, tithed...I did it all. If you ever thought someone was saved it was me. No one ever suspected but I think my Dad had an idea that I might not have been saved. Everyone else had thought I was born again. I mean I had the form of godliness but denied the power thereof. No joke! I had wanted to do right don't get me wrong but I still needed a heart change. But, praise God I did not walk out the door without getting it settled. I was under serious conviction and struggled with it. I tried to make excuses but net thing I know I couldn't take it anymore I had to do something about it. I was breaking and I couldn't control my tears. I was awful. I didn't want to go where I deserved to go which was hell. I knew I had broken His laws and that I was dirty. I knew that I needed cleansing. I knew I was a sinner in need of redemption. I knew that I wanted to be with the Lord in heaven. I knew there was no other way. I had to set my pride aside. That day is forever etched in my memory. If yall haven't read my testimony of salvation the day I got born again, the day I accepted Christ as my beloved then I encourage yall to read it. It is on the right side in the side bar.
Btw, I thought this would be nice to share with yall. I plan on continuing to post my stance on my convictions/beliefs and where the Lord has brought somethings to my attention about what is in His Book, the King James Bible. I don't claim to know everything. I do know what He has shown me. Now, if I am wrong I do ask the Lord to show me.
I want to say thank you to my friend D. that I have known for nearly 3 years. You know who you are. Thanks for the encouragement on my posts on my stance. I needed that. Sometimes when I wonder if what I am doing is worth it or if it has done anything for the Lord it's then that the Lord surprises me and gives me encouraging words from people that I have been an encouragement to or a blessing to. He affirms what I am doing is right and that His Book is right. Living for the Lord has been so sweet. I wouldn't trade it for a thing. He has been so good and merciful to this one. To God be the glory!
Standing on the Solid Rock,
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Miscellanous-Karla's Stance
Here's a video by Kent Hovind called Redeeming the Straw Man: Redeeming the Strawman
Redeeming the straw man is a video on a variety of topics like 501c3, licenses, birth certificates, s.s. cards, marriage licenses, etc. Kent Hovind's ministry is not incorporated. He did not want to bring the Lord under the government. He breaks everything down so that we can easily understand. Kent Hovind is a political prisoner at the moment. This is a good video and I most certainly recommend it!!!!
I whole heartedly agree with Kent Hovind. I do not plan on registering my children so that they can become wards of the state. When you get a birth certificate you are now considered chattle. Just look at your birth certificate on the back of it there should be a number. We are considered a number to them. But, hey they get to draw from our IMF accounts that we were never told about that was created when we received a birth certificate! IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. For sake of time I am not going to go into detail about it but I encourage you to research it out. I think maybe Alex Jones might mention it not sure though if he does. I believe that if I ever have children that their names will be written in the family Bible that my family will have. There was a time there was no such thing as a birth certificate at one time. The names of a newborn child was written in the family Bible.Social security cards are a way to keep tabs on us. When I was born my parents never were told that it was voluntary to get a s.s. card for me but interestingly enough it is voluntary. If a child when they are adults want to get a s.s. card then that's their choice but since they aren't given a choice I don't believe it's right to get it for them when they may not want it as an adult just like parents piercing their infant daughter's ears or 2 year old daughters but they are not at an age where they can make a decision based from research or understanding.
Here's something. You can use the family Bible in place of the birth certificate. When a couple ask the state for permission to marry and they are granted it then they enter a contract with the state only. If that couple has children after marriage then because of that contract you entered with the state your children are therefore considered wards of the state and the mother is considered the surrogate mother. Both parents are really just considered babysitters.
Some may ask yeah but what about boys getting jobs when they get older, etc. First off if their Dad's taught them skills and how to make things with their hands,etc. they wouldn't need to worry about it because their skills can in turn be used to start their own business. I know people who work for themselves and do not partake in these things. The whole reason for children to get s.s is so the parents can get tax breaks off of them Just like people who attend an organization/corporation that disguises themselves as a church do. They 'tithe' then write it off on their taxes. Now, I don't care because it's an organization but if it was a real church like a free church that was free to serve their master the Lord Jesus Christ with no restrictions then I'd have a problem because we are to give cheerfully of our own freewill and not expect anything in return. It's not God blessing you for giving when you right your giving off on your taxes.
IF I ever get married and that's IF and have children they won't be tax breaks they will be blessings from the Lord given to me by the Lord and the Lord will be our benefactor, insurance, caregiver, doctor, and physician. People don't seem to understand what I am saying what I am saying is that I may live in this world but I am not of it and I will trust Him. I will ask the Lord for protection/everything because He is my Everything and nothing is too hard for Him. He's my father and I am his ambassador. I have heavenly benefits here and now. He will take care of us. He will meet our needs NOT the government. For he is faithful, loving kind and just. He will never leave me nor forsake me or us. His love for us is an enduring, everlasting love and he promised to take care of us, my family and I, to meet our needs. With a King like that who needs the benefits of a government? I don't. With the benefits of the government there always comes a price to pay. With my king, he requires a SOLD out life for him, to be peculiar to the world but lovely to Him. What more can I ask for?
Beard- Why is it we think it's okay for men to shave their face if God has given them facial hair to grow a beard? I can understand if the Lord made a man Native American and therefore cannot grow it. That would be the only exception. Facial hair is natural and God given. It is God's gift to man. When a man shaves it he is rejecting God's gift. A beard is more manly, too. When a man shaves his beard it's like saying he'd rather go back to their days as a child when they had a baby smooth face? Man has no right to altar his God given gift.Here are two sermons from two different baptist (not that it necessarily matters if they are baptist)pastors: Is The Beard Biblical? by Robert Reed
The Beard, its Historical, and Biblical Significance by John Weaver
Both sermons are pretty good! The only thing is Bro. Weaver using Hebrew. We heard Bro. Weaver at a christian conference last year. It was pretty good. He spoke on the confederacy and Jack Hinson. Good stuff. He has some sermons on sermon audio on Southern History that most people don't know even those who are from the South don't know!
Oaths- In the New Testament Jesus said,"Mat 5:34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
Mat 5:36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
Jas 5:12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.
So, as you see we are not to take any kind of oaths nor swear nor pledge. I pledge to the Lamb of God and His Book. Trust me I am patriotic but not at the cost of disobeying the Scriptures. If we take an oath then we are in direct disobedience to the Scriptures if we are New Testament Christians. Jesus had every right to change things (when he came to this earth) that used to be practiced to something else because He is God and the Creator. Like I said before I rather obey God and His words than man's. I cannot serve two masters. It's eaither Jesus all the way or it's not.
Anyway, that's all for now. I better go before I fall asleep right here in my chair. Seriously, I am gonna pass out. Have a good night everyone. I will try to get back to the home part of my stance here real quick and speak a little more on covenant marriage sometime.
Resting in my Beloved Christ,
Redeeming the straw man is a video on a variety of topics like 501c3, licenses, birth certificates, s.s. cards, marriage licenses, etc. Kent Hovind's ministry is not incorporated. He did not want to bring the Lord under the government. He breaks everything down so that we can easily understand. Kent Hovind is a political prisoner at the moment. This is a good video and I most certainly recommend it!!!!
I whole heartedly agree with Kent Hovind. I do not plan on registering my children so that they can become wards of the state. When you get a birth certificate you are now considered chattle. Just look at your birth certificate on the back of it there should be a number. We are considered a number to them. But, hey they get to draw from our IMF accounts that we were never told about that was created when we received a birth certificate! IMF stands for International Monetary Fund. For sake of time I am not going to go into detail about it but I encourage you to research it out. I think maybe Alex Jones might mention it not sure though if he does. I believe that if I ever have children that their names will be written in the family Bible that my family will have. There was a time there was no such thing as a birth certificate at one time. The names of a newborn child was written in the family Bible.Social security cards are a way to keep tabs on us. When I was born my parents never were told that it was voluntary to get a s.s. card for me but interestingly enough it is voluntary. If a child when they are adults want to get a s.s. card then that's their choice but since they aren't given a choice I don't believe it's right to get it for them when they may not want it as an adult just like parents piercing their infant daughter's ears or 2 year old daughters but they are not at an age where they can make a decision based from research or understanding.
Here's something. You can use the family Bible in place of the birth certificate. When a couple ask the state for permission to marry and they are granted it then they enter a contract with the state only. If that couple has children after marriage then because of that contract you entered with the state your children are therefore considered wards of the state and the mother is considered the surrogate mother. Both parents are really just considered babysitters.
Some may ask yeah but what about boys getting jobs when they get older, etc. First off if their Dad's taught them skills and how to make things with their hands,etc. they wouldn't need to worry about it because their skills can in turn be used to start their own business. I know people who work for themselves and do not partake in these things. The whole reason for children to get s.s is so the parents can get tax breaks off of them Just like people who attend an organization/corporation that disguises themselves as a church do. They 'tithe' then write it off on their taxes. Now, I don't care because it's an organization but if it was a real church like a free church that was free to serve their master the Lord Jesus Christ with no restrictions then I'd have a problem because we are to give cheerfully of our own freewill and not expect anything in return. It's not God blessing you for giving when you right your giving off on your taxes.
IF I ever get married and that's IF and have children they won't be tax breaks they will be blessings from the Lord given to me by the Lord and the Lord will be our benefactor, insurance, caregiver, doctor, and physician. People don't seem to understand what I am saying what I am saying is that I may live in this world but I am not of it and I will trust Him. I will ask the Lord for protection/everything because He is my Everything and nothing is too hard for Him. He's my father and I am his ambassador. I have heavenly benefits here and now. He will take care of us. He will meet our needs NOT the government. For he is faithful, loving kind and just. He will never leave me nor forsake me or us. His love for us is an enduring, everlasting love and he promised to take care of us, my family and I, to meet our needs. With a King like that who needs the benefits of a government? I don't. With the benefits of the government there always comes a price to pay. With my king, he requires a SOLD out life for him, to be peculiar to the world but lovely to Him. What more can I ask for?
Beard- Why is it we think it's okay for men to shave their face if God has given them facial hair to grow a beard? I can understand if the Lord made a man Native American and therefore cannot grow it. That would be the only exception. Facial hair is natural and God given. It is God's gift to man. When a man shaves it he is rejecting God's gift. A beard is more manly, too. When a man shaves his beard it's like saying he'd rather go back to their days as a child when they had a baby smooth face? Man has no right to altar his God given gift.Here are two sermons from two different baptist (not that it necessarily matters if they are baptist)pastors: Is The Beard Biblical? by Robert Reed
The Beard, its Historical, and Biblical Significance by John Weaver
Both sermons are pretty good! The only thing is Bro. Weaver using Hebrew. We heard Bro. Weaver at a christian conference last year. It was pretty good. He spoke on the confederacy and Jack Hinson. Good stuff. He has some sermons on sermon audio on Southern History that most people don't know even those who are from the South don't know!
Oaths- In the New Testament Jesus said,"Mat 5:34 But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne:
Mat 5:36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black.
Jas 5:12 But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, nay; lest ye fall into condemnation.
So, as you see we are not to take any kind of oaths nor swear nor pledge. I pledge to the Lamb of God and His Book. Trust me I am patriotic but not at the cost of disobeying the Scriptures. If we take an oath then we are in direct disobedience to the Scriptures if we are New Testament Christians. Jesus had every right to change things (when he came to this earth) that used to be practiced to something else because He is God and the Creator. Like I said before I rather obey God and His words than man's. I cannot serve two masters. It's eaither Jesus all the way or it's not.
Anyway, that's all for now. I better go before I fall asleep right here in my chair. Seriously, I am gonna pass out. Have a good night everyone. I will try to get back to the home part of my stance here real quick and speak a little more on covenant marriage sometime.
Resting in my Beloved Christ,
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Every Man A Shepherd/Pastor 8-13-08 Pt.1
This was a convicting sermon for
me when I recorded it that night while he preached.. It didn't have anything to do with women necessarily but for me it had to do with submission to my earthly authority. It's always a struggle for young ladies and older ladies alike. What a blessing this sermon was. So, proud of my Daddy for preaching what the Lord wanted and not ommitting a thing. It takes confidence from the Lord to preach something like this. I encourage yall to listen to the rest of this sermon. It's broken down into 3 parts. I hope this is a blessing to yall:)
Sincerely in Christ,

Sincerely in Christ,
Friday, July 15, 2011
Karla's Stance Part 5.2
Ello, Dear Readers!
How is everyone? I feel like just telling yall exactly what I think. In the process it's like hearing my thoughts I suppose. I get so tired of the unlearned "Bible" college grads. They think because they have went to bible college that they know more than those of us who haven't. Now, there are exceptions to the rule because some aren't like that. Some know better than to think that because they know that bible college isn't biblical and all they do is indoctrinate you with what they believe even though it doesn't line up with Scripture. I have found that the more you listen to these students the more ignorant they are of real truth. They don't even know true history. The history they have read or heard about has been white washed over and over again. These people aren't really searching for the truth or answers other than what their so called college professors tell them. They don't ask questions and if so maybe a few. They aren't really all that inquisitive. These students speak before they hear a matter (He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. -Proverbs 18:13)that is contrary to how they have been taught/indoctrinated. Those people are nothing more than robots. The truth is is that they don't wanna know truth because they don't wanna be held responsible for their actions. The truth would tear their little world apart. They want to believe what they perceive as truth just because that's what they were taught by 'professors' that they have put their trust in. And in truth they are not willing to forsake others and truly follow Christ. But, you see it requires real study and we wouldn't want that because we'd rather watch the idiot box, go to movie theaters, play video games, and yell like a mad dog at the idiot box because the team didn't make a touch down or the ref called a foul! For crying out loud! What has happend to us? Well, the devil has been working overtime for centuries trying to manipulate God's ways and create diversions to keep our eyes off of the truth including the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to keep up from paying attention to what is going on around us. We have been duped because of our lack of discernment and wisdom(The Lord commands us to in 1Peter 5:8,"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:) We have become slothful, idol, and worldly. There's really no biblical separation( & These things are idols and promote ungodliness. And are not from the Bible. The Lord said in 2Cor.6:17, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,"
We aren't watchful so these things have crept in our lives and we have accepted it. It's the sociable thing! We must fit in and be like the world right? WRONG!!! They shape us and how we react to things or think. I seriously can't stand it when people sit there and make fools of themselves getting angry when it comes to sports. We should be angry over sin and wickedness that we see all over. No longer are the preachers practicing the biblical picture we see in the NT of open air preaching. Too many are worried about their image should they or anyone associated with he corporation/organization that they call a "church". I don't care what others think of me anymore. What matters is that I do what's righteous and become a fool for Christ. I made a decision in the past year that no matter what I would follow Jesus Christ all the way although I had given my whole to him after I got saved I wanted to make it known again to the Lord. The hymn that says the Cross before me the world behind me had even more meaning to me. I made a decision to truly not turn back to the things of old that I did before and after I got saved. That if I was going to follow Him it was all the way. I didn't want to just say I would but to actually act upon it. Ever since I trusted Christ that's been my goal was to become a living testimony of His work in my life and to allow him to use me to be a blessing to others. People try to accuse me of trying to cause an uprising against the government and that is not so. The Bible says we are to expose the works of darkness and the gov performs the works of darkness. The government is the way it is is because of all of us who have let them walk all over us. I don't believe in doing anything unlawful but what is lawful in light of the Lord's Scriptures. I do believe in obeying God over man. I do believe that we ought to be praying that people will wake up to what is truly going on and see that 1984(by George Orwell) is truly here and it's becoming more and more of a reality as each day passes by. The Bible teaches us to warn people. We are to be watchmen. We are to be discerning in all things. You see these things we can use to bring about showing others their need for Christ. We need to be aware of righteousness and evil.We ought to know how the devil works otherwise we won't be discerning. The Devil is there trying to entrap everyone into his system, his way of thinking/doing things. And well practically all of America is already entrapped and has engorged themselves with his lifestyle. We live in this world but are not supposed to be of this world. We who are truly born again are sanctified/set apart as children of God and are for Him. To bring Him glory and honour. We are to be holy and righteous in our day to day lives. Remember character is who we are in the dark whether godly or ungodly. The Lord sees all that we do. And I don't say any of this to make myself look holier than thou because I am not. I am no better than anyone. I am not perfect but I try to live a righteous life. I don't own a tv(I don't watch hardly any movies unless they are documentaries or videos that have a wholesome christian message which is rare since it's hard to take the world's industry and make it godly since it was never intended to be godly in the first place. Plus, who has the time to sit around watching videos all day anyway when we ought to be learning and being productive with a purpose?) Computers come in handy when ya want to watch a video:), I don't watch sports(how can a Bible believing Christian be a bible believer and watch it with the practically naked women cheering. At one time the way they dress would of been considered nakedness. Sports players...that's not a real job.We don't need to watch it. It's one thing to play it and another to pay money to watch others play or watch it on tv. Men need that kind of physical activity. They need that manly interaction. They have a lot of testosterone that needs to be released and what better way than to run into each other and run around playing football/wrestle),etc.
We don't really rebuke, or reprove the unfruitful works of darkness today at all.
Anyway, here are some links about the idiot box/hellivision(another way of mind control/hypnosis):
here's one by some secular people who I would not promote on doctrine or anything because they aren't christians from what I can tell on their website but they have a great article posted on their site about the harful effects of television and movies:
The inventors of the tv didn't have one in their home because they knew what the effects of it would be.
We are known by our works. That's what the lost will judge us by even if they don't understand the work of grace in us- A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian... and most of all, his family ought to know.
Dwight L. Moody
We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine.
Dwight L. Moody
If we have got the true love of God shed abroad in our hearts, we will show it
in our lives. We will not have to go up and down the earth proclaiming it. We
will show it in everything we say or do.
If I walk with the world, I can't walk with God.
A holy life will produce the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns;
they only shine.
The Home part 2
The man/husband! The Lord made him to work with his hands but I also understand that not it's not always feasible where they are at especially since our society has made it hard to be for men to be their own bosses with their own businesses where they work with their hands. The Bible does say by the sweat of his face... But, I wouldn't give them a hard time if they don't because they know a real job is where a man is working with their hands and not sittin' behind a desk all day on a computer...I say that because my Dad is at a desk all day but he knows it's not really a real job. He has the desire to work with his hands but it's all in the Lord's timing. The husband is to be the provider of his family whether he is rich or poor it doesn't matter. I find the idea of being poor better than being rich because it tends to prove whether we are willing to wholly trust the Lord and live by faith or proves that we aren't really what we say we are-Bible's kind of like denying the faithfulness of the Lord. It's like saying He isn't capable of providing...that it is too hard for Him. Do you really think anything is too hard for God? These things are for our good to shape us into the kind of christian that would bring more honour and glory to Christ! We all need to endure a little hardship. We ought to live simply so that others can simply live. We don't need all the things in the world...the material stuff we sure can't take to heaven. We just need the necessities not all the "toys", gadgets, figurines, etc that take up space and time trying to keep the dust off of them. Jesus promised food and raiment that's all.
God never made a promise that was too good to be true.
Dwight L. Moody
Faith makes all things possible... love makes all things easy.
Dwight L. Moody
Adversity is something to get through together:)
We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God.
Dwight L. Moody
A man should never stop studying his wife! He should strive to know her likes and dislikes. He should know her interests and vice versa. He should always be wooing her. The thing is ya wanna keep the honey in the honeymoon(Hugh F. Pyle has a great booklet on that) no matter how long a husband and wife have been married to each other.
I think I had mentioned how the man is to be the leader/pastor of his family. He is to lead them in family Bible time, praying, and singing. In the Bible we see the man being head of the household, the patriarch. The husband is the one who voted not the wife. I, myself officially quit voting after I got saved. I knew the picture of what was in the Bible and I wanted to follow it. I believe that it is the man's place to vote not a woman. To me that is liberating not what women today think is liberating.
When Chuck Baldwin was running for the presidency on the constitution ticket I asked the Lord if I could vote and He instantly brought to my mind of how the Bible shows that it was the man's place not the woman's.
Also, I should say here that in the Bible the picture given is that the wife is to follow her husband wherever the Lord leads him not the other way around. Also, if the husband(or wife) has a temptation to lust then the husband(or wife) ought to humble themselves and share it with their spouse then pray together. They should not look down upon each other at all for no one is perfect(should be concerned of course) but the Lord does provide escape from temptation. There is victory in the Lord:) Amen!
Temptations are like tramps. Treat them kindly, and they will return bringing
others with them.
This is not all of what I believe, so please be patient there is more to come. It just takes time since I look up Scriptures and add links. I hope you do take the time to read this before asking questions or assuming how I am. Because yall don't know unless I state my beliefs and that's what I ma doing little by little. May the Lord be able to use my posts on my stance for His glory and benefit.
Sincerely in Christ,
How is everyone? I feel like just telling yall exactly what I think. In the process it's like hearing my thoughts I suppose. I get so tired of the unlearned "Bible" college grads. They think because they have went to bible college that they know more than those of us who haven't. Now, there are exceptions to the rule because some aren't like that. Some know better than to think that because they know that bible college isn't biblical and all they do is indoctrinate you with what they believe even though it doesn't line up with Scripture. I have found that the more you listen to these students the more ignorant they are of real truth. They don't even know true history. The history they have read or heard about has been white washed over and over again. These people aren't really searching for the truth or answers other than what their so called college professors tell them. They don't ask questions and if so maybe a few. They aren't really all that inquisitive. These students speak before they hear a matter (He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him. -Proverbs 18:13)that is contrary to how they have been taught/indoctrinated. Those people are nothing more than robots. The truth is is that they don't wanna know truth because they don't wanna be held responsible for their actions. The truth would tear their little world apart. They want to believe what they perceive as truth just because that's what they were taught by 'professors' that they have put their trust in. And in truth they are not willing to forsake others and truly follow Christ. But, you see it requires real study and we wouldn't want that because we'd rather watch the idiot box, go to movie theaters, play video games, and yell like a mad dog at the idiot box because the team didn't make a touch down or the ref called a foul! For crying out loud! What has happend to us? Well, the devil has been working overtime for centuries trying to manipulate God's ways and create diversions to keep our eyes off of the truth including the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to keep up from paying attention to what is going on around us. We have been duped because of our lack of discernment and wisdom(The Lord commands us to in 1Peter 5:8,"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:) We have become slothful, idol, and worldly. There's really no biblical separation( & These things are idols and promote ungodliness. And are not from the Bible. The Lord said in 2Cor.6:17, "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,"
We aren't watchful so these things have crept in our lives and we have accepted it. It's the sociable thing! We must fit in and be like the world right? WRONG!!! They shape us and how we react to things or think. I seriously can't stand it when people sit there and make fools of themselves getting angry when it comes to sports. We should be angry over sin and wickedness that we see all over. No longer are the preachers practicing the biblical picture we see in the NT of open air preaching. Too many are worried about their image should they or anyone associated with he corporation/organization that they call a "church". I don't care what others think of me anymore. What matters is that I do what's righteous and become a fool for Christ. I made a decision in the past year that no matter what I would follow Jesus Christ all the way although I had given my whole to him after I got saved I wanted to make it known again to the Lord. The hymn that says the Cross before me the world behind me had even more meaning to me. I made a decision to truly not turn back to the things of old that I did before and after I got saved. That if I was going to follow Him it was all the way. I didn't want to just say I would but to actually act upon it. Ever since I trusted Christ that's been my goal was to become a living testimony of His work in my life and to allow him to use me to be a blessing to others. People try to accuse me of trying to cause an uprising against the government and that is not so. The Bible says we are to expose the works of darkness and the gov performs the works of darkness. The government is the way it is is because of all of us who have let them walk all over us. I don't believe in doing anything unlawful but what is lawful in light of the Lord's Scriptures. I do believe in obeying God over man. I do believe that we ought to be praying that people will wake up to what is truly going on and see that 1984(by George Orwell) is truly here and it's becoming more and more of a reality as each day passes by. The Bible teaches us to warn people. We are to be watchmen. We are to be discerning in all things. You see these things we can use to bring about showing others their need for Christ. We need to be aware of righteousness and evil.We ought to know how the devil works otherwise we won't be discerning. The Devil is there trying to entrap everyone into his system, his way of thinking/doing things. And well practically all of America is already entrapped and has engorged themselves with his lifestyle. We live in this world but are not supposed to be of this world. We who are truly born again are sanctified/set apart as children of God and are for Him. To bring Him glory and honour. We are to be holy and righteous in our day to day lives. Remember character is who we are in the dark whether godly or ungodly. The Lord sees all that we do. And I don't say any of this to make myself look holier than thou because I am not. I am no better than anyone. I am not perfect but I try to live a righteous life. I don't own a tv(I don't watch hardly any movies unless they are documentaries or videos that have a wholesome christian message which is rare since it's hard to take the world's industry and make it godly since it was never intended to be godly in the first place. Plus, who has the time to sit around watching videos all day anyway when we ought to be learning and being productive with a purpose?) Computers come in handy when ya want to watch a video:), I don't watch sports(how can a Bible believing Christian be a bible believer and watch it with the practically naked women cheering. At one time the way they dress would of been considered nakedness. Sports players...that's not a real job.We don't need to watch it. It's one thing to play it and another to pay money to watch others play or watch it on tv. Men need that kind of physical activity. They need that manly interaction. They have a lot of testosterone that needs to be released and what better way than to run into each other and run around playing football/wrestle),etc.
We don't really rebuke, or reprove the unfruitful works of darkness today at all.
Anyway, here are some links about the idiot box/hellivision(another way of mind control/hypnosis):
here's one by some secular people who I would not promote on doctrine or anything because they aren't christians from what I can tell on their website but they have a great article posted on their site about the harful effects of television and movies:
The inventors of the tv didn't have one in their home because they knew what the effects of it would be.
We are known by our works. That's what the lost will judge us by even if they don't understand the work of grace in us- A man ought to live so that everybody knows he is a Christian... and most of all, his family ought to know.
Dwight L. Moody
We are told to let our light shine, and if it does, we won't need to tell anybody it does. Lighthouses don't fire cannons to call attention to their shining- they just shine.
Dwight L. Moody
If we have got the true love of God shed abroad in our hearts, we will show it
in our lives. We will not have to go up and down the earth proclaiming it. We
will show it in everything we say or do.
If I walk with the world, I can't walk with God.
A holy life will produce the deepest impression. Lighthouses blow no horns;
they only shine.
The Home part 2
The man/husband! The Lord made him to work with his hands but I also understand that not it's not always feasible where they are at especially since our society has made it hard to be for men to be their own bosses with their own businesses where they work with their hands. The Bible does say by the sweat of his face... But, I wouldn't give them a hard time if they don't because they know a real job is where a man is working with their hands and not sittin' behind a desk all day on a computer...I say that because my Dad is at a desk all day but he knows it's not really a real job. He has the desire to work with his hands but it's all in the Lord's timing. The husband is to be the provider of his family whether he is rich or poor it doesn't matter. I find the idea of being poor better than being rich because it tends to prove whether we are willing to wholly trust the Lord and live by faith or proves that we aren't really what we say we are-Bible's kind of like denying the faithfulness of the Lord. It's like saying He isn't capable of providing...that it is too hard for Him. Do you really think anything is too hard for God? These things are for our good to shape us into the kind of christian that would bring more honour and glory to Christ! We all need to endure a little hardship. We ought to live simply so that others can simply live. We don't need all the things in the world...the material stuff we sure can't take to heaven. We just need the necessities not all the "toys", gadgets, figurines, etc that take up space and time trying to keep the dust off of them. Jesus promised food and raiment that's all.
God never made a promise that was too good to be true.
Dwight L. Moody
Faith makes all things possible... love makes all things easy.
Dwight L. Moody
Adversity is something to get through together:)
We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God.
Dwight L. Moody
A man should never stop studying his wife! He should strive to know her likes and dislikes. He should know her interests and vice versa. He should always be wooing her. The thing is ya wanna keep the honey in the honeymoon(Hugh F. Pyle has a great booklet on that) no matter how long a husband and wife have been married to each other.
I think I had mentioned how the man is to be the leader/pastor of his family. He is to lead them in family Bible time, praying, and singing. In the Bible we see the man being head of the household, the patriarch. The husband is the one who voted not the wife. I, myself officially quit voting after I got saved. I knew the picture of what was in the Bible and I wanted to follow it. I believe that it is the man's place to vote not a woman. To me that is liberating not what women today think is liberating.
When Chuck Baldwin was running for the presidency on the constitution ticket I asked the Lord if I could vote and He instantly brought to my mind of how the Bible shows that it was the man's place not the woman's.
Also, I should say here that in the Bible the picture given is that the wife is to follow her husband wherever the Lord leads him not the other way around. Also, if the husband(or wife) has a temptation to lust then the husband(or wife) ought to humble themselves and share it with their spouse then pray together. They should not look down upon each other at all for no one is perfect(should be concerned of course) but the Lord does provide escape from temptation. There is victory in the Lord:) Amen!
Temptations are like tramps. Treat them kindly, and they will return bringing
others with them.
This is not all of what I believe, so please be patient there is more to come. It just takes time since I look up Scriptures and add links. I hope you do take the time to read this before asking questions or assuming how I am. Because yall don't know unless I state my beliefs and that's what I ma doing little by little. May the Lord be able to use my posts on my stance for His glory and benefit.
Sincerely in Christ,
Thursday, July 14, 2011
30 Ways
Here's a video by Andrew Freeman on youtube:30 Way the IRS Controls 'churches'
This is why we home church. Once we learned of the 501c3 status that practically all "churches" have and yoking with the state plus most do not believe the KJB is the perfect, inerrant, inspired, infallible wordS of God but are apostates that we realized that there was no way we could join a 501 c 3 whore church. They have given up ground that our old preachers of days gone by had fought against. The state is ahead of their church not Jesus Christ... they have entered into a contract with the state just like people do when they ask permission by applying for a marriage license & entering a contract with the state. The state only recognizes what they enter into and they will hold you to it even if it kills you. Just like with the driver's licenses, and birth certificates.
Here's another video where Kent Hovind breaks it all down where everyone can understand the whole 501c3 thing and more: Redeeming the Strawman- a variety of topics This is a very good video. Although, the whole ucc thing I am not sure is the way to go. We have looked into that already so not sure but I know there is another way besides the ucc way.
This is why we home church. Once we learned of the 501c3 status that practically all "churches" have and yoking with the state plus most do not believe the KJB is the perfect, inerrant, inspired, infallible wordS of God but are apostates that we realized that there was no way we could join a 501 c 3 whore church. They have given up ground that our old preachers of days gone by had fought against. The state is ahead of their church not Jesus Christ... they have entered into a contract with the state just like people do when they ask permission by applying for a marriage license & entering a contract with the state. The state only recognizes what they enter into and they will hold you to it even if it kills you. Just like with the driver's licenses, and birth certificates.
Here's another video where Kent Hovind breaks it all down where everyone can understand the whole 501c3 thing and more: Redeeming the Strawman- a variety of topics This is a very good video. Although, the whole ucc thing I am not sure is the way to go. We have looked into that already so not sure but I know there is another way besides the ucc way.
Karla's Stance Part 5.1
Howdy Yall!
Hope everyone's doin' great! We had a good rain on Tuesday,praise the Lord! I had been praying for rain but I sure didn't pray for the hail we got. I figure next time I will pray for rain but ask that we do not get any hail! Yesterday, I made some homemade pecan sandies and I honestly couldn't believe how they really tasted like the store bought but better because they were homemade and didn't have all kinds of junk in it. They were pretty easy to make! The recipe doesn't call for alot of ingredients just gotta be prepared to use a pound of butter.I might make some gingersnaps later on this week. Since my brother wanted me to make some.
Alright, here I go:
6. The home-
The home is very important. It is a center of family activity and should be a home given to hospitality. You can see in the Bible that God's people were given to hospitality. They would make cakes or prepare meats, etc. when people would come to visit. That's been a nice thing here in the South. A lot of the time they are more hospitable than up North. I had a friend down here for college and she ha said before that the people here are more warm and hospitable than where she is from.
First things first. We already established in the marriage post that a woman is supposed to be a keeper at home right? Well, she should be a willing and good keeper at home. Her actions should be chaste, discrete, gentle, meek, godly, holy, etc. I know it is hard but we cannot put much stock in our ability to be those things. We need to be asking the Lord for help to be those things. It should be our desire to be those and to daily pray for those characteristics.
The wife should not be given to vanity, or frivolousness. She should be frugal, trustworthy, and honest. She should be modest, she should admire her husband and give him respect even if he doesn't deserve it because honestly do we always deserve to be loved and honoured(if you're married) when we have a bad attitude or say something that is mean? Think about it Jesus loves his Bride even when we are unlovable right? So, a wife ought to try her best even when the husband fails. Jesus said to forgive 70x7. Remember, when you get married you are marrying an imperfect person with flaws. God gives grace in those times when you ask Him for it.
The wife is to be a help meet to her dear husband. She can either be apart of what the Lord is doing in his life and with him or she can be left sittin' in the dust. A woman can make or break her husband. She can be his biggest fan if she so chooses. She can build him up and help his confidence or she can drag him and his name through the mud. A man that is confident in his walk and how he acts has to do with whether his wife is being supportive and pushing him to be his best or not. A man wants to be admired and respected...I suppose maybe he ought to think of whether he is someone to be admired in the first place.Just a thought.
Don't you think it's nice for the man to be able to come home and not worry that his wife has been out working and getting "dirty" so to speak in a spiritual or mental sense? He can come home to a wife that takes care of the home, cooks homemade nutritious meals, and has made a safe haven out of their home that he can just let his guard down? Oh, and I cannot forget that she may have dinner waiting on the table for him or she may be at the door waiting for him to walk in the door. Note: The husband should when he gets home go straight to his wife and give her a kiss and if they have children she still should be the one he sees first then see the children. Yep, that's the way to do it! I remember hearing a preacher say that one time that when he first gets home that he goes to his wife and kisses her then speaks to his children and such.
Let me take a minute to say that when others enter the home they should be able to say that your home is peaceful. The home should be Christ centered. It should be a joyful home.
Back to the wife. A man wants or should want his wife to dress modestly in a distinctively feminine way. Her clothes should say feminine! There should be no doubt that she is all woman not half woman half man nor should it scream whorish. Seriously, I have no idea how women think that slacks are feminine...a woman has more power if she is in a sweet flowing skirt or dress. You get more men opening doors for you when you go places than a woman in pants. It baffles me that women seem to forget it was always a natural and accepted thing for women to wear long dresses and skirts. For centuries that's what women wore. They did many things in them, too.
Note: I am not saying these things to look down or think I am holier than thou if there are women who wear pants that may read this blog.
Anyway, a man doesn't want his wife on display for other men to drool over or undress/devour in their mind. Well, a real man of godly character wouldn't. It just boggles my mind the eyeful I get when we go places. I am amazed that any man would let his woman wear the things they wear in public let alone in front of their children. At one time even the lost had some holiness in their dress! All it is is just walking pornography.
Another thing how is it that we have succombed to women painting their faces? Where in the Bible did godly women wear make-up? I mean those who showed honour to the Lord?
Here are some verses in the Bible on this:
2Kings 9:30,And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.
Was Jezebel a woman to want to be like? Was she a God fearing woman?
In the Bible we see the Lord had made statements about Israel playing a harlot. He had likened them to a woman who was a whore that had painted her eyes. Does this sound honouring to God? Did painting her eyes please him?
To be honest where in the world do we get the idea that it's okay to do things since it is popular or the accepted? Just because the world is doing it doesn't make it right does it? Doesn't the Bible say to come out from among them and be ye separate? Doesn't it say not to conform to the world? Are we supposed to look and act like the world? Why is it such a big deal if we have a blemish or a zit? Hmmm. Vanity rules these days haven't ya heard? Women are not satisfied with the way God made them hence the reason for them also dying and perming their hair. Each are wonderfully and fearfully made the last time I checked my Bible.
The King James Bible says, Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.- Proverbs 31:30
I am not saying a woman should be ugly but the Bible is clear. We put so much importance on whether a person is beautiful and of course it is nice to find the person you are gonna marry or are married to attractive but that isn't the most important thing according to this verse in Proverbs. But, if we are gonna talk about beauty why not be it a natural beauty? It has been said that real beauty is what lies inside the person.
Ya know I have a scar where my left eyebrow is. I've had that thing since I was 5 or 6 but I actually forget about it most of the time. Every once in awhile I may get a few zits but I don't let those things bother me really. Things happen so what. I am not gonna hide my facial imperfections from anyone most of all I don't want to hide behind a mask because I want people to see me as I am, the real me the way I really look. Some women get up in the morning before their husbands do so they can have make up on when he gets up. These women take 2 or 3 hours to put it on. Some even go to bed with it on that way their husband doesn't see them without it. Boy, oh boy I can just imagine how harsh it is on the skin and the coloured pillows from it.
I honestly love the freedom of not having to worry about putting it on my face. I love the fact that I can just get ready for the day and just get going. It's been liberating not to have to wear it. I am not sure why I even did in the first place! I guess it must of been because it was the thing to do and everyone wore it that was a girl.
Note: My Brother wanted me to make sure that yall know that eyeshadow is made with bat manure in it and lipstick is made with chicken manure in it:)
Stay tuned for part 2 of this post.
Anchored in Jehovah,
Hope everyone's doin' great! We had a good rain on Tuesday,praise the Lord! I had been praying for rain but I sure didn't pray for the hail we got. I figure next time I will pray for rain but ask that we do not get any hail! Yesterday, I made some homemade pecan sandies and I honestly couldn't believe how they really tasted like the store bought but better because they were homemade and didn't have all kinds of junk in it. They were pretty easy to make! The recipe doesn't call for alot of ingredients just gotta be prepared to use a pound of butter.I might make some gingersnaps later on this week. Since my brother wanted me to make some.
Alright, here I go:
6. The home-
The home is very important. It is a center of family activity and should be a home given to hospitality. You can see in the Bible that God's people were given to hospitality. They would make cakes or prepare meats, etc. when people would come to visit. That's been a nice thing here in the South. A lot of the time they are more hospitable than up North. I had a friend down here for college and she ha said before that the people here are more warm and hospitable than where she is from.
First things first. We already established in the marriage post that a woman is supposed to be a keeper at home right? Well, she should be a willing and good keeper at home. Her actions should be chaste, discrete, gentle, meek, godly, holy, etc. I know it is hard but we cannot put much stock in our ability to be those things. We need to be asking the Lord for help to be those things. It should be our desire to be those and to daily pray for those characteristics.
The wife should not be given to vanity, or frivolousness. She should be frugal, trustworthy, and honest. She should be modest, she should admire her husband and give him respect even if he doesn't deserve it because honestly do we always deserve to be loved and honoured(if you're married) when we have a bad attitude or say something that is mean? Think about it Jesus loves his Bride even when we are unlovable right? So, a wife ought to try her best even when the husband fails. Jesus said to forgive 70x7. Remember, when you get married you are marrying an imperfect person with flaws. God gives grace in those times when you ask Him for it.
The wife is to be a help meet to her dear husband. She can either be apart of what the Lord is doing in his life and with him or she can be left sittin' in the dust. A woman can make or break her husband. She can be his biggest fan if she so chooses. She can build him up and help his confidence or she can drag him and his name through the mud. A man that is confident in his walk and how he acts has to do with whether his wife is being supportive and pushing him to be his best or not. A man wants to be admired and respected...I suppose maybe he ought to think of whether he is someone to be admired in the first place.Just a thought.
Don't you think it's nice for the man to be able to come home and not worry that his wife has been out working and getting "dirty" so to speak in a spiritual or mental sense? He can come home to a wife that takes care of the home, cooks homemade nutritious meals, and has made a safe haven out of their home that he can just let his guard down? Oh, and I cannot forget that she may have dinner waiting on the table for him or she may be at the door waiting for him to walk in the door. Note: The husband should when he gets home go straight to his wife and give her a kiss and if they have children she still should be the one he sees first then see the children. Yep, that's the way to do it! I remember hearing a preacher say that one time that when he first gets home that he goes to his wife and kisses her then speaks to his children and such.
Let me take a minute to say that when others enter the home they should be able to say that your home is peaceful. The home should be Christ centered. It should be a joyful home.
Back to the wife. A man wants or should want his wife to dress modestly in a distinctively feminine way. Her clothes should say feminine! There should be no doubt that she is all woman not half woman half man nor should it scream whorish. Seriously, I have no idea how women think that slacks are feminine...a woman has more power if she is in a sweet flowing skirt or dress. You get more men opening doors for you when you go places than a woman in pants. It baffles me that women seem to forget it was always a natural and accepted thing for women to wear long dresses and skirts. For centuries that's what women wore. They did many things in them, too.
Note: I am not saying these things to look down or think I am holier than thou if there are women who wear pants that may read this blog.
Anyway, a man doesn't want his wife on display for other men to drool over or undress/devour in their mind. Well, a real man of godly character wouldn't. It just boggles my mind the eyeful I get when we go places. I am amazed that any man would let his woman wear the things they wear in public let alone in front of their children. At one time even the lost had some holiness in their dress! All it is is just walking pornography.
Another thing how is it that we have succombed to women painting their faces? Where in the Bible did godly women wear make-up? I mean those who showed honour to the Lord?
Here are some verses in the Bible on this:
2Kings 9:30,And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.
Was Jezebel a woman to want to be like? Was she a God fearing woman?
In the Bible we see the Lord had made statements about Israel playing a harlot. He had likened them to a woman who was a whore that had painted her eyes. Does this sound honouring to God? Did painting her eyes please him?
To be honest where in the world do we get the idea that it's okay to do things since it is popular or the accepted? Just because the world is doing it doesn't make it right does it? Doesn't the Bible say to come out from among them and be ye separate? Doesn't it say not to conform to the world? Are we supposed to look and act like the world? Why is it such a big deal if we have a blemish or a zit? Hmmm. Vanity rules these days haven't ya heard? Women are not satisfied with the way God made them hence the reason for them also dying and perming their hair. Each are wonderfully and fearfully made the last time I checked my Bible.
The King James Bible says, Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.- Proverbs 31:30
I am not saying a woman should be ugly but the Bible is clear. We put so much importance on whether a person is beautiful and of course it is nice to find the person you are gonna marry or are married to attractive but that isn't the most important thing according to this verse in Proverbs. But, if we are gonna talk about beauty why not be it a natural beauty? It has been said that real beauty is what lies inside the person.
Ya know I have a scar where my left eyebrow is. I've had that thing since I was 5 or 6 but I actually forget about it most of the time. Every once in awhile I may get a few zits but I don't let those things bother me really. Things happen so what. I am not gonna hide my facial imperfections from anyone most of all I don't want to hide behind a mask because I want people to see me as I am, the real me the way I really look. Some women get up in the morning before their husbands do so they can have make up on when he gets up. These women take 2 or 3 hours to put it on. Some even go to bed with it on that way their husband doesn't see them without it. Boy, oh boy I can just imagine how harsh it is on the skin and the coloured pillows from it.
I honestly love the freedom of not having to worry about putting it on my face. I love the fact that I can just get ready for the day and just get going. It's been liberating not to have to wear it. I am not sure why I even did in the first place! I guess it must of been because it was the thing to do and everyone wore it that was a girl.
Note: My Brother wanted me to make sure that yall know that eyeshadow is made with bat manure in it and lipstick is made with chicken manure in it:)
Stay tuned for part 2 of this post.
Anchored in Jehovah,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Karla's Stance Part 3.2
Howdy, Yall!
I also, wanted to mention that it is a good idea for the man to get to know the young lady's father, I mean wouldn't the man want to know what kind of family that he was marrying into or rather what kind of father in law he was"marrying"? You marry the lady you in a sense marry the family. You get a whole new family. Also, the man ought to consider the fact that the father might want to know what kind of man is interested in marrying his daughter and whether he approved or not. The father ought to be allowed to observe him. Really, I suppose it depends on the father or if there even is one.I also should point out that the man shouldn't be pushy, arrogant, cocky, thinks himself something(thinks highly of himself), or thinks he knows more than the father or "try" to help him with the BIble especially since the father is older and a christian. He should be humble and be respectful. (Seriously, if he can't be respectful and not be pushy and has all the bad traits above that I listed, I can only imagine how he will be when he gets married! That is definitely not good.) He should get to know the father at the father's own pace (as the Lord leads) since it's the father who is the protector of his daughter and the father is the one who I guess you can say "calls the shots" as to when the Lord speaks to him about this young man. Since, the father is to make sure his daughter's heart and emotions are to protected in case the man isn't the Lord's will for his daughter. It's not enough for the man to think or believe she's the one, the father must hear from the Lord on this matter, too.
But, what tends to happen is that the man will go around the dad and get to know the daughter and then the dad. Or they bypass the dad altogether. Or they'd rather get to know the daughter than the dad so they constantly ask the dad if he can talk to the daughter...sad...sad...sad! Trust me I have had them do that...good way to instantly cross them off the list:) Truth is is it shows their true character. Character that is not gentlemanly by any sense because a true gentleman will do things the right and proper way and if he's a christian hopefully the biblical way.
I also, wanted to mention that it is a good idea for the man to get to know the young lady's father, I mean wouldn't the man want to know what kind of family that he was marrying into or rather what kind of father in law he was"marrying"? You marry the lady you in a sense marry the family. You get a whole new family. Also, the man ought to consider the fact that the father might want to know what kind of man is interested in marrying his daughter and whether he approved or not. The father ought to be allowed to observe him. Really, I suppose it depends on the father or if there even is one.I also should point out that the man shouldn't be pushy, arrogant, cocky, thinks himself something(thinks highly of himself), or thinks he knows more than the father or "try" to help him with the BIble especially since the father is older and a christian. He should be humble and be respectful. (Seriously, if he can't be respectful and not be pushy and has all the bad traits above that I listed, I can only imagine how he will be when he gets married! That is definitely not good.) He should get to know the father at the father's own pace (as the Lord leads) since it's the father who is the protector of his daughter and the father is the one who I guess you can say "calls the shots" as to when the Lord speaks to him about this young man. Since, the father is to make sure his daughter's heart and emotions are to protected in case the man isn't the Lord's will for his daughter. It's not enough for the man to think or believe she's the one, the father must hear from the Lord on this matter, too.
But, what tends to happen is that the man will go around the dad and get to know the daughter and then the dad. Or they bypass the dad altogether. Or they'd rather get to know the daughter than the dad so they constantly ask the dad if he can talk to the daughter...sad...sad...sad! Trust me I have had them do that...good way to instantly cross them off the list:) Truth is is it shows their true character. Character that is not gentlemanly by any sense because a true gentleman will do things the right and proper way and if he's a christian hopefully the biblical way.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Karla's Stance Part 4.2
Howdy again!
Yesterday I posted my stance on marriage. I have a couple things to add to that but for some reason I was already thinking I had posted my stance on covenant marriage and marriage licenses and so I didn't proceed to write about that but then it hit me that no I did not post where I stand on those things! So, this post really should go between the betrothal and marriage posts.
To tack onto the marriage post:
If the couple has some issues obviously I mentioned praying about them and I know I said that the older women in the church are to teach the younger to love their husbands, etc. but I didn't mention that older men in the church can be a blessing to the younger men, too.
Also, when I said they lift the pastor up and put him on a pedestal and what he says over rules the husband in their minds what that boils down to is they believe in unlimited submission to the pastor and the Bible does not teach that just like it does not teach unlimited submission to the government. If they don't line up with the Bible then they are in the wrong.
Covenant Marriage
In the Bible we never see a license for marriage. Marriage is God ordained not man ordained just like God ordained the church and ordained men to preach not the state. The state does not have the right to intrude on what God has established.
What we see in the Bible is two agreeing to marry, to become husband and wife. The parents were in agreement, as well. Now, when Jesus Christ woos us and we accept his proposal/his offer of salvation. There in a sense were vows exchanged. We individually acknowledged our sinful state, repented, and asked Him to save us.
I will give three links on this very subject by 3 different pastors. I do not necessarily agree with everything they believe but they hit the mark right on in their articles. These articles are pretty good! I highly recommend reading all three of them. - This is amazing. Pastor Matt Trewella did an amazing job on explaining this. He gives 5 reasons why Christians should not obtain a marriage license. He gives definitions of licenses, as well.
Those of you who have heard the term "common law marriage" most likely have been told it means shacking up together for a certain period of time and that makes you married. Well, that is not right. True/real common law is based off the Bible. Today's law that is in place is Roman/Civil law which is the Pope's law. Marriage licenses are under the Pope's law. Biblical common law used to be in place. We can still have access to real common law if we have studied how to access it.
Real common law marriage is where two people agree to marry with their parents permission. They exchange vows, they have witnesses, the marriage is recorded in the family Bible, they introduce each other to others as husband/wife, the woman takes the man's last name as her last name, and their names are together on everything.
Well, this about sums it up, Yall. Hope everyone has a wonderful-good day!
To Him be the glory,
Yesterday I posted my stance on marriage. I have a couple things to add to that but for some reason I was already thinking I had posted my stance on covenant marriage and marriage licenses and so I didn't proceed to write about that but then it hit me that no I did not post where I stand on those things! So, this post really should go between the betrothal and marriage posts.
To tack onto the marriage post:
If the couple has some issues obviously I mentioned praying about them and I know I said that the older women in the church are to teach the younger to love their husbands, etc. but I didn't mention that older men in the church can be a blessing to the younger men, too.
Also, when I said they lift the pastor up and put him on a pedestal and what he says over rules the husband in their minds what that boils down to is they believe in unlimited submission to the pastor and the Bible does not teach that just like it does not teach unlimited submission to the government. If they don't line up with the Bible then they are in the wrong.
Covenant Marriage
In the Bible we never see a license for marriage. Marriage is God ordained not man ordained just like God ordained the church and ordained men to preach not the state. The state does not have the right to intrude on what God has established.
What we see in the Bible is two agreeing to marry, to become husband and wife. The parents were in agreement, as well. Now, when Jesus Christ woos us and we accept his proposal/his offer of salvation. There in a sense were vows exchanged. We individually acknowledged our sinful state, repented, and asked Him to save us.
I will give three links on this very subject by 3 different pastors. I do not necessarily agree with everything they believe but they hit the mark right on in their articles. These articles are pretty good! I highly recommend reading all three of them. - This is amazing. Pastor Matt Trewella did an amazing job on explaining this. He gives 5 reasons why Christians should not obtain a marriage license. He gives definitions of licenses, as well.
Those of you who have heard the term "common law marriage" most likely have been told it means shacking up together for a certain period of time and that makes you married. Well, that is not right. True/real common law is based off the Bible. Today's law that is in place is Roman/Civil law which is the Pope's law. Marriage licenses are under the Pope's law. Biblical common law used to be in place. We can still have access to real common law if we have studied how to access it.
Real common law marriage is where two people agree to marry with their parents permission. They exchange vows, they have witnesses, the marriage is recorded in the family Bible, they introduce each other to others as husband/wife, the woman takes the man's last name as her last name, and their names are together on everything.
Well, this about sums it up, Yall. Hope everyone has a wonderful-good day!
To Him be the glory,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Karla's Stance Part 4/Update on what's been happening
Howdy, Yall!
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Last night my Aunt and I went to the Ethiopian restaurant for dinner. Dad had changed his hours for these past two weeks so that we could get things done in the garden in the morning since it's been so hot here and that is why I was able to go for dinner to the Ethiopian Restaurant.
We have had so many projects going on. Looks like he has pretty much gotten the rain barrels done but I think he is going to paint them with a uv paint for protection from the sun so the sun doesn't break the plastic down. The barrels are food grade but aren't uv protected on the outside. He also, has to run a test on them to see if they leak or not. We have gotten the shade cloth up over two sections of our raised garden beds. We still have to lay the bricks around the beds so I can plant more things in the holes that are in the bricks.
My herbs are doing wonderful! My Catnip is looking good. I will plant more seeds of the Catnip and Stevia. I have 4 stinging nettles growing and I look forward to drying them along with my other herbs so that I can make more nourishing herbal infusions(I am an herbalist in training:). I actually got stung by the nettle yesterday but the sting didn't last too long and it might be because the plants are still small. You can actually harvest them without gloves if you harvest them by using your fingers to bend the top of the leaf into a upside down u shape. The sting is from the prickles from underneath the leaf. You can even it them raw if you use the same principle when go to put it in your mouth. Nettle is so good for you. It is high in vitamin c and a. It is high in several minerals as well. It's nutritive and is great for the thyroid among other things.
Okay, I will now get to part 4 of my stance. Bare with me here. I know it takes me awhile to post all of my stance on it but it's important that others know where I stand so there is no assuming or pretenses.
6. Marriage
Before I get into the subject of marriage I would like to point out something that I did not mention in part 5 on betrothal. I did not mention the bride price. The bride price is a picture of the price the Lord Jesus Christ paid on calvary. In different countries they bride price varies. I believe that if a woman is worth her salt and her price truly is far above rubies that man should be (and want to/there be a willingness in) asking her father if there is a bride price and if there is, what the father has in mind. It may not be money. It could be a variety of things. Could be reading a certain list of books or time invested with the father. Who knows.A real woman after God's own heart is very hard to find these days even in so called churches(they think churches are a building instead of the christian).Okay, that all I have to say about that.
Marriage is a picture of the relationship with Christ. God uses marriage as a ministry to minister to one another(the husband to the wife and the wife to her husband) and it cna also be a blessing to others if they see two people marry in the Lord and have allowed their marriage to be Christ centered. That He alone is their foundation in the marriage. Marriage is also for well, there's a biblical term her but I can't seem to think of it at the moment but marriage is also for the purpose for having children. Marriage is to be a beautiful relationship. Pure,holy and the bed undefiled. It is where your spouse is your best friend besides the Lord.
The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22,"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD." So, obviously it is a good thing.
The Bible also says that we should not be unequally yoked-2Corinthians 6:14," Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" It is a bad idea to marry an unbeliever. One who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ as his or her personal Saviour. If they are truly born again they will have a testimony of God dealing with them about their need of a Saviour which would then lead them to admitting to an holy and righteous God their a sinner, repenting, and asking the Lord to save them. The marks of a believer are if their prayers are answered, if they have been chastened by the Lord otherwise they are bastards according to Scripture because they aren't sons of God, and also that there was a change after they made a profession of faith. Along with that there should be some kind of manifestation of the fruits of the Spirit.
Now, that we established that I will now mention this since I didn't stress this in the betrothal post that just because one is a believer does not make Teddy right for Susie who is a believer. It's more than that. One needs to pray for their future spouse whoever they might be and that when they do come across someone that they are impressed with and that that person could possibly the one for them that they pray and seek His will first to see if the Lord has that person for you.
Onto marriage. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:22,"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife [see] that she reverence [her] husband.
As you can see the Scripture is plain. It shows us what the husband is to do and what the wife is to do in regards to one another.
Husband the provider- The husband is to be the main bread. That is how God established it to be. As you can see that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and many more examples are given of them leading their families and providing for their families.
The Bible says that a man is worse than an infidel if he provide not for his own.
Woman, Keeper at Home, etc.-Titus 2:4&5,"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Psalm 113:9,"He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD."
The Bible also in 1Timothy 5:14," I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
Well, we see where the woman belongs. She belongs in her home. It's not to say she can't make thins at home and then sell them to a business or through the internet or catalog or those who know may phone her and come by to buy a specific item kind of like if you live on a farm they stop buy to buy fresh eggs or milk.
Most people use the Proverbs 31 woman as an example and they act like she does this all at one time. She didn't sell out in the market place. She went to the merchant and sold to that person but didn't go out to where everyone was and sell for hours away from home. She had a house to guide while her husband was away during the day.
But, it was a prophecy as King Lemuel's mother said. It may be that over a period of time she does those things. It may be prophesying of the Christian woman in the NT who has the Spirit living inside. A christian woman who has the Lord helping her to be that woman.
Husband loses job-
If a man/husband loses his job or his business goes under what should he do? Should he trust God or in his flesh by sending his wife out to work for another man under that other man's authority and to advance that man's business/making him successful and not her own husband? The answer to that is trust God! Haven't yall ever heard of George Mueller? He and his sweet wife had an orphanage. They were pretty poor. There were a lot of times that they didn't have any food. He didn't tell anyone the needs they had. He just got on his knees and prayed to the Lord many times and the Lord almost if not always answered every single one. He had prayed one time for food or they needed money or something like that and he got a knock at the door and a person handed him that need because they Lord had impressed upon them to give without them having been told by George or anyone else that there was a need. It's called, 'stand still and let God move.'
Women preachers/teachers- 1 Timothy 2:12,"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
No woman unmarried or married has any right to usurp the authority of a man!
Here's a post I did back in January of 2010 on women:
It is on clothing, being chaste, and women being silent in the church.
I feel like there is something else I was going to add to this but I can't remember at the moment but don't worry if I remember i will mention it in my next post that I hope to do on the home and children. I have many more post to do on my stance like on pagan/catholic holidays that Christians observe, doctrinal stuff...I know I will have those that will disagree because I am not the lock stock and barrel kind of person who believes everything that is taught. I actually read my Bible and study for myself. I don't read the Bible through any man's eyes but I ask God to show if what I have been taught by man is wrong or not.
Oh, now I remember what I was going to say. I was going to say that a lot of christians have this idea that their pastor is their authority first then the husband and so they do everything that the pastor says to do or not to do. He is not to be lifted up on a pedestal. He is only a man. He is just to shepherd the flock not rule over them or have people in subjection to them. My question for you is this: Where does pastoring really begin? Who is the first pastor/shepherd?
Another thing when a husband and his wife have problems they should NOT run back to daddy and mommy because what happens is if you run and tell them all about it then they will turn against your spouse. They will take their child's side. If you want more marriage problems then go tell your parents so that they get in between your marriage. Really, that why the older women in church are to teach the younger women to love their husbands. Everything that a husband or wife should do when problems arise are in the Bible, they should pray about the situation and ask for wisdom.
Alright, that's it for now:)
Hope yall have a wonderful-good evening!
Resting in Jesus Christ,
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods! Last night my Aunt and I went to the Ethiopian restaurant for dinner. Dad had changed his hours for these past two weeks so that we could get things done in the garden in the morning since it's been so hot here and that is why I was able to go for dinner to the Ethiopian Restaurant.
We have had so many projects going on. Looks like he has pretty much gotten the rain barrels done but I think he is going to paint them with a uv paint for protection from the sun so the sun doesn't break the plastic down. The barrels are food grade but aren't uv protected on the outside. He also, has to run a test on them to see if they leak or not. We have gotten the shade cloth up over two sections of our raised garden beds. We still have to lay the bricks around the beds so I can plant more things in the holes that are in the bricks.
My herbs are doing wonderful! My Catnip is looking good. I will plant more seeds of the Catnip and Stevia. I have 4 stinging nettles growing and I look forward to drying them along with my other herbs so that I can make more nourishing herbal infusions(I am an herbalist in training:). I actually got stung by the nettle yesterday but the sting didn't last too long and it might be because the plants are still small. You can actually harvest them without gloves if you harvest them by using your fingers to bend the top of the leaf into a upside down u shape. The sting is from the prickles from underneath the leaf. You can even it them raw if you use the same principle when go to put it in your mouth. Nettle is so good for you. It is high in vitamin c and a. It is high in several minerals as well. It's nutritive and is great for the thyroid among other things.
Okay, I will now get to part 4 of my stance. Bare with me here. I know it takes me awhile to post all of my stance on it but it's important that others know where I stand so there is no assuming or pretenses.
6. Marriage
Before I get into the subject of marriage I would like to point out something that I did not mention in part 5 on betrothal. I did not mention the bride price. The bride price is a picture of the price the Lord Jesus Christ paid on calvary. In different countries they bride price varies. I believe that if a woman is worth her salt and her price truly is far above rubies that man should be (and want to/there be a willingness in) asking her father if there is a bride price and if there is, what the father has in mind. It may not be money. It could be a variety of things. Could be reading a certain list of books or time invested with the father. Who knows.A real woman after God's own heart is very hard to find these days even in so called churches(they think churches are a building instead of the christian).Okay, that all I have to say about that.
Marriage is a picture of the relationship with Christ. God uses marriage as a ministry to minister to one another(the husband to the wife and the wife to her husband) and it cna also be a blessing to others if they see two people marry in the Lord and have allowed their marriage to be Christ centered. That He alone is their foundation in the marriage. Marriage is also for well, there's a biblical term her but I can't seem to think of it at the moment but marriage is also for the purpose for having children. Marriage is to be a beautiful relationship. Pure,holy and the bed undefiled. It is where your spouse is your best friend besides the Lord.
The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22,"Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD." So, obviously it is a good thing.
The Bible also says that we should not be unequally yoked-2Corinthians 6:14," Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" It is a bad idea to marry an unbeliever. One who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ as his or her personal Saviour. If they are truly born again they will have a testimony of God dealing with them about their need of a Saviour which would then lead them to admitting to an holy and righteous God their a sinner, repenting, and asking the Lord to save them. The marks of a believer are if their prayers are answered, if they have been chastened by the Lord otherwise they are bastards according to Scripture because they aren't sons of God, and also that there was a change after they made a profession of faith. Along with that there should be some kind of manifestation of the fruits of the Spirit.
Now, that we established that I will now mention this since I didn't stress this in the betrothal post that just because one is a believer does not make Teddy right for Susie who is a believer. It's more than that. One needs to pray for their future spouse whoever they might be and that when they do come across someone that they are impressed with and that that person could possibly the one for them that they pray and seek His will first to see if the Lord has that person for you.
Onto marriage. The Bible says in Ephesians 5:22,"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife [see] that she reverence [her] husband.
As you can see the Scripture is plain. It shows us what the husband is to do and what the wife is to do in regards to one another.
Husband the provider- The husband is to be the main bread. That is how God established it to be. As you can see that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and many more examples are given of them leading their families and providing for their families.
The Bible says that a man is worse than an infidel if he provide not for his own.
Woman, Keeper at Home, etc.-Titus 2:4&5,"That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Psalm 113:9,"He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the LORD."
The Bible also in 1Timothy 5:14," I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully.
Well, we see where the woman belongs. She belongs in her home. It's not to say she can't make thins at home and then sell them to a business or through the internet or catalog or those who know may phone her and come by to buy a specific item kind of like if you live on a farm they stop buy to buy fresh eggs or milk.
Most people use the Proverbs 31 woman as an example and they act like she does this all at one time. She didn't sell out in the market place. She went to the merchant and sold to that person but didn't go out to where everyone was and sell for hours away from home. She had a house to guide while her husband was away during the day.
But, it was a prophecy as King Lemuel's mother said. It may be that over a period of time she does those things. It may be prophesying of the Christian woman in the NT who has the Spirit living inside. A christian woman who has the Lord helping her to be that woman.
Husband loses job-
If a man/husband loses his job or his business goes under what should he do? Should he trust God or in his flesh by sending his wife out to work for another man under that other man's authority and to advance that man's business/making him successful and not her own husband? The answer to that is trust God! Haven't yall ever heard of George Mueller? He and his sweet wife had an orphanage. They were pretty poor. There were a lot of times that they didn't have any food. He didn't tell anyone the needs they had. He just got on his knees and prayed to the Lord many times and the Lord almost if not always answered every single one. He had prayed one time for food or they needed money or something like that and he got a knock at the door and a person handed him that need because they Lord had impressed upon them to give without them having been told by George or anyone else that there was a need. It's called, 'stand still and let God move.'
Women preachers/teachers- 1 Timothy 2:12,"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
No woman unmarried or married has any right to usurp the authority of a man!
Here's a post I did back in January of 2010 on women:
It is on clothing, being chaste, and women being silent in the church.
I feel like there is something else I was going to add to this but I can't remember at the moment but don't worry if I remember i will mention it in my next post that I hope to do on the home and children. I have many more post to do on my stance like on pagan/catholic holidays that Christians observe, doctrinal stuff...I know I will have those that will disagree because I am not the lock stock and barrel kind of person who believes everything that is taught. I actually read my Bible and study for myself. I don't read the Bible through any man's eyes but I ask God to show if what I have been taught by man is wrong or not.
Oh, now I remember what I was going to say. I was going to say that a lot of christians have this idea that their pastor is their authority first then the husband and so they do everything that the pastor says to do or not to do. He is not to be lifted up on a pedestal. He is only a man. He is just to shepherd the flock not rule over them or have people in subjection to them. My question for you is this: Where does pastoring really begin? Who is the first pastor/shepherd?
Another thing when a husband and his wife have problems they should NOT run back to daddy and mommy because what happens is if you run and tell them all about it then they will turn against your spouse. They will take their child's side. If you want more marriage problems then go tell your parents so that they get in between your marriage. Really, that why the older women in church are to teach the younger women to love their husbands. Everything that a husband or wife should do when problems arise are in the Bible, they should pray about the situation and ask for wisdom.
Alright, that's it for now:)
Hope yall have a wonderful-good evening!
Resting in Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Karla's Stance Part 3
Howdy, Cowboys & Cowgirls:D Okay, so maybe not everyone that reads this blog are cowboys or cowgirls...ya don't know what yer missin':P I can honestly say I enjoy my cowgirl boots a little too much because 99% of the time that's what I wear and when I am not I am bare foot, thankfully. At home I'd rather not wear anything on my feet period! The feel of the straw beneath my feet or the grass mowed or not mowed....ahhhh, now that's what I am talkin' about!!!! Yes, there's nothing like it:) I tried to get my Pa to go barefoot while working outside and let's just say he doesn't plan on doing that again. *smiles and laughs* I am not sure why he has problems when he goes barefoot. My brother has decided to follow me in going barefoot out in the garden:) It's okay to have dirty, calloused/cracked heels right? Okay, so some of you who(probably citified...I live in the city but would rather be in the country) are reading this are probably thinkin' I am crazy but does that mean I care...NOPE!!! Hehe.
Okay, enough of my babbling/talking of nothing I am not a babbling crazymatic. Seriously, though I will get right to the point and get to writing more of my stance on where I stand in my beliefs.
5. Betrothal
Well, from what I can see in Scripture(The Authorized King James Bible) by taking into consideration the principles, pictures, patterns, and commandments in the Bible that I see principles, pictures, and patterns of how things were done pertaining to "finding" a spouse.
You never see any dating/courtship in the Bible. What I mean is that many forms of courtship do not totally resemble betrothal in the Bible. Alot of times they start courting and pray while courting to see if it is God's will which is like dating really except you may not touch one another and you may have chaperones. I have seen people hurt through this many a times. In fact, I at one time was in contact with a guy who was 3 years older than me and he had listened to the Betrothal series by S.M. Davis...boy was I wrong about that guy! He really just believed in courtship not betrothal but I never figured it out until later. I kept saying what I believed but it went through one ear and out the other. We really had issues. Thankfully, I never got engaged to him...boy, I would of been miserable! There were warning signs along the way that (My Dad had warning signals going off in his head)I had ignored till the end and it was God working and God took care of that. What a burden it had been! I figure now that I am not really willing to settle for anything less than God's best and that includes how things are done. I won't compromise my convictions just so I can get married. NOPE! I'd rather be an unmarried woman than to go through heartbreak all over again. I want everything to be as pure and holy as it can be.
Anyways, back to what I was saying. You don't see any of God's people in the Bible going around dating around for the thrill of it or for a spouse do you? Do you see them starting a courtship with the intention to see if it's God's will? Here's what we see if we are paying attention. Abraham's servant goes to the well and prays to Abraham's God(Jehovah) and he says,
"And he said, O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham.
Behold, I stand [here] by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water:
And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: [let the same be] she [that] thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.
And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.
And the damsel [was] very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.
And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher.
And she said, Drink, my lord: and she hasted, and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink.
And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw [water] for thy camels also, until they have done drinking.
And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw [water], and drew for all his camels.
And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not.
And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten [shekels] weight of gold;
And said, Whose daughter [art] thou? tell me, I pray thee: is there room [in] thy father's house for us to lodge in?
And she said unto him, I [am] the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah, which she bare unto Nahor.
She said moreover unto him, We have both straw and provender enough, and room to lodge in.
And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the LORD
And he said, Blessed [be] the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I [being] in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren.
And the damsel ran, and told [them of] her mother's house these things.
Okay, so from there her brother, Laban comes out and speaks to him. He invites him to lodge for the night at the home. They put food on front of him and he said he couldn't eat till his errand was heard. So, the servant recounts everything and Laban and Bethuel were amazed and they couldn't deny that it was God that had his hand in everything. So, they did not object. But, they did ask Rebekah and she was willing. So, you see that betrothal isn't something forced upon the young woman nor is it necessarily arranged my parents or family members. There is no dating or courting before hand. When Rebekah said yes that was it. SHe was betrothed and she was going to be married to this wonderful Isaac.
Betrothed is what we are to Christ when we accept his offer of salvation. Betrothal is very similar to the picture of Christ and him seeking a bride. That person can accept or reject that offer.
Betrothal in the Bible went something like this: the man goes to the parents or his parents(spiritual parents/mentor or whoever is older and acts on his behalf in place of his parents) speak to the young lady's father or both parents. But, the young man has already prayed and knows for a fact that the young lady is the one that God would have him marry. That she is to be his help meet. The father then prays about it to see if it truly is God's will. If God shows him that indeed the young man is for his daughter then he consents and says that he may ask his daughter for her hand in marriage. The daughter can refuse or pray about it first then give an answer or if she already knows that it's God's will she can right away simply accept his proposal.
In the Bible we see that not all loved each other before the proposal nor did they always know each other very well or at all. The young man or his family may know of the family or know the dad personally. The young man never speaks of marriage or anything of the like to the young lady until permission has been granted to him to do that. If they have never met or spoke to each other that's fine. I know fo a married couple who grew up around each other. The young man onc ehe knew it was God's will he spoke to her father and they knew he was the one. So, they didn't tell her right away that they were taking her to see him until they were on their way and they told her why they were going. When he got there they shared their testimonies again with each other and he told her how the Lord was working in him and he said he understood if she needed time. She told him how the Lord had been working in her and what she had prayed concerning him and that God had answered it. So, she proceeded to accept his proposal.
Then there are people who have known or been around each other for two weeks and have known it was God's will. Some who have never met the person but the Lord impresses upon them that it's God's will.
Anyway, love comes after the betrothal slowly but steady. During the entire time they do not have any physical contact as in holding hands or any other forms of touching(1 Corinthians says it is good for a man not to touch a woman). Touching is something to be enjoyed in marriage only. Because we are all flesh and one thing leads to another. Never trust the flesh. We also see in the Bible that Joseph and Mary were betrothed a year then married. Well, it is good not to go beyond a year period! But, my Dad and I both agree the shorter a betrothal the better. Because emotions ride high and it is hard on both sides of the fence. My Dad and I both agree no more than four months.
Okay, enough of my babbling/talking of nothing I am not a babbling crazymatic. Seriously, though I will get right to the point and get to writing more of my stance on where I stand in my beliefs.
5. Betrothal
Well, from what I can see in Scripture(The Authorized King James Bible) by taking into consideration the principles, pictures, patterns, and commandments in the Bible that I see principles, pictures, and patterns of how things were done pertaining to "finding" a spouse.
You never see any dating/courtship in the Bible. What I mean is that many forms of courtship do not totally resemble betrothal in the Bible. Alot of times they start courting and pray while courting to see if it is God's will which is like dating really except you may not touch one another and you may have chaperones. I have seen people hurt through this many a times. In fact, I at one time was in contact with a guy who was 3 years older than me and he had listened to the Betrothal series by S.M. Davis...boy was I wrong about that guy! He really just believed in courtship not betrothal but I never figured it out until later. I kept saying what I believed but it went through one ear and out the other. We really had issues. Thankfully, I never got engaged to him...boy, I would of been miserable! There were warning signs along the way that (My Dad had warning signals going off in his head)I had ignored till the end and it was God working and God took care of that. What a burden it had been! I figure now that I am not really willing to settle for anything less than God's best and that includes how things are done. I won't compromise my convictions just so I can get married. NOPE! I'd rather be an unmarried woman than to go through heartbreak all over again. I want everything to be as pure and holy as it can be.
Anyways, back to what I was saying. You don't see any of God's people in the Bible going around dating around for the thrill of it or for a spouse do you? Do you see them starting a courtship with the intention to see if it's God's will? Here's what we see if we are paying attention. Abraham's servant goes to the well and prays to Abraham's God(Jehovah) and he says,
"And he said, O LORD God of my master Abraham, I pray thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness unto my master Abraham.
Behold, I stand [here] by the well of water; and the daughters of the men of the city come out to draw water:
And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: [let the same be] she [that] thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.
And it came to pass, before he had done speaking, that, behold, Rebekah came out, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, with her pitcher upon her shoulder.
And the damsel [was] very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.
And the servant ran to meet her, and said, Let me, I pray thee, drink a little water of thy pitcher.
And she said, Drink, my lord: and she hasted, and let down her pitcher upon her hand, and gave him drink.
And when she had done giving him drink, she said, I will draw [water] for thy camels also, until they have done drinking.
And she hasted, and emptied her pitcher into the trough, and ran again unto the well to draw [water], and drew for all his camels.
And the man wondering at her held his peace, to wit whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not.
And it came to pass, as the camels had done drinking, that the man took a golden earring of half a shekel weight, and two bracelets for her hands of ten [shekels] weight of gold;
And said, Whose daughter [art] thou? tell me, I pray thee: is there room [in] thy father's house for us to lodge in?
And she said unto him, I [am] the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah, which she bare unto Nahor.
She said moreover unto him, We have both straw and provender enough, and room to lodge in.
And the man bowed down his head, and worshipped the LORD
And he said, Blessed [be] the LORD God of my master Abraham, who hath not left destitute my master of his mercy and his truth: I [being] in the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren.
And the damsel ran, and told [them of] her mother's house these things.
Okay, so from there her brother, Laban comes out and speaks to him. He invites him to lodge for the night at the home. They put food on front of him and he said he couldn't eat till his errand was heard. So, the servant recounts everything and Laban and Bethuel were amazed and they couldn't deny that it was God that had his hand in everything. So, they did not object. But, they did ask Rebekah and she was willing. So, you see that betrothal isn't something forced upon the young woman nor is it necessarily arranged my parents or family members. There is no dating or courting before hand. When Rebekah said yes that was it. SHe was betrothed and she was going to be married to this wonderful Isaac.
Betrothed is what we are to Christ when we accept his offer of salvation. Betrothal is very similar to the picture of Christ and him seeking a bride. That person can accept or reject that offer.
Betrothal in the Bible went something like this: the man goes to the parents or his parents(spiritual parents/mentor or whoever is older and acts on his behalf in place of his parents) speak to the young lady's father or both parents. But, the young man has already prayed and knows for a fact that the young lady is the one that God would have him marry. That she is to be his help meet. The father then prays about it to see if it truly is God's will. If God shows him that indeed the young man is for his daughter then he consents and says that he may ask his daughter for her hand in marriage. The daughter can refuse or pray about it first then give an answer or if she already knows that it's God's will she can right away simply accept his proposal.
In the Bible we see that not all loved each other before the proposal nor did they always know each other very well or at all. The young man or his family may know of the family or know the dad personally. The young man never speaks of marriage or anything of the like to the young lady until permission has been granted to him to do that. If they have never met or spoke to each other that's fine. I know fo a married couple who grew up around each other. The young man onc ehe knew it was God's will he spoke to her father and they knew he was the one. So, they didn't tell her right away that they were taking her to see him until they were on their way and they told her why they were going. When he got there they shared their testimonies again with each other and he told her how the Lord was working in him and he said he understood if she needed time. She told him how the Lord had been working in her and what she had prayed concerning him and that God had answered it. So, she proceeded to accept his proposal.
Then there are people who have known or been around each other for two weeks and have known it was God's will. Some who have never met the person but the Lord impresses upon them that it's God's will.
Anyway, love comes after the betrothal slowly but steady. During the entire time they do not have any physical contact as in holding hands or any other forms of touching(1 Corinthians says it is good for a man not to touch a woman). Touching is something to be enjoyed in marriage only. Because we are all flesh and one thing leads to another. Never trust the flesh. We also see in the Bible that Joseph and Mary were betrothed a year then married. Well, it is good not to go beyond a year period! But, my Dad and I both agree the shorter a betrothal the better. Because emotions ride high and it is hard on both sides of the fence. My Dad and I both agree no more than four months.
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