Saturday, July 9, 2011

Karla's Stance Part 4.2

Howdy again!

Yesterday I posted my stance on marriage. I have a couple things to add to that but for some reason I was already thinking I had posted my stance on covenant marriage and marriage licenses and so I didn't proceed to write about that but then it hit me that no I did not post where I stand on those things! So, this post really should go between the betrothal and marriage posts.

To tack onto the marriage post:
If the couple has some issues obviously I mentioned praying about them and I know I said that the older women in the church are to teach the younger to love their husbands, etc. but I didn't mention that older men in the church can be a blessing to the younger men, too.

Also, when I said they lift the pastor up and put him on a pedestal and what he says over rules the husband in their minds what that boils down to is they believe in unlimited submission to the pastor and the Bible does not teach that just like it does not teach unlimited submission to the government. If they don't line up with the Bible then they are in the wrong.

Covenant Marriage

In the Bible we never see a license for marriage. Marriage is God ordained not man ordained just like God ordained the church and ordained men to preach not the state. The state does not have the right to intrude on what God has established.
What we see in the Bible is two agreeing to marry, to become husband and wife. The parents were in agreement, as well. Now, when Jesus Christ woos us and we accept his proposal/his offer of salvation. There in a sense were vows exchanged. We individually acknowledged our sinful state, repented, and asked Him to save us.

I will give three links on this very subject by 3 different pastors. I do not necessarily agree with everything they believe but they hit the mark right on in their articles. These articles are pretty good! I highly recommend reading all three of them. - This is amazing. Pastor Matt Trewella did an amazing job on explaining this. He gives 5 reasons why Christians should not obtain a marriage license. He gives definitions of licenses, as well.

Those of you who have heard the term "common law marriage" most likely have been told it means shacking up together for a certain period of time and that makes you married. Well, that is not right. True/real common law is based off the Bible. Today's law that is in place is Roman/Civil law which is the Pope's law. Marriage licenses are under the Pope's law. Biblical common law used to be in place. We can still have access to real common law if we have studied how to access it.

Real common law marriage is where two people agree to marry with their parents permission. They exchange vows, they have witnesses, the marriage is recorded in the family Bible, they introduce each other to others as husband/wife, the woman takes the man's last name as her last name, and their names are together on everything.

Well, this about sums it up, Yall. Hope everyone has a wonderful-good day!

To Him be the glory,


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