Thursday, July 14, 2011

Karla's Stance Part 5.1

Howdy Yall!

Hope everyone's doin' great! We had a good rain on Tuesday,praise the Lord! I had been praying for rain but I sure didn't pray for the hail we got. I figure next time I will pray for rain but ask that we do not get any hail! Yesterday, I made some homemade pecan sandies and I honestly couldn't believe how they really tasted like the store bought but better because they were homemade and didn't have all kinds of junk in it. They were pretty easy to make! The recipe doesn't call for alot of ingredients just gotta be prepared to use a pound of butter.I might make some gingersnaps later on this week. Since my brother wanted me to make some.

Alright, here I go:

6. The home-

The home is very important. It is a center of family activity and should be a home given to hospitality. You can see in the Bible that God's people were given to hospitality. They would make cakes or prepare meats, etc. when people would come to visit. That's been a nice thing here in the South. A lot of the time they are more hospitable than up North. I had a friend down here for college and she ha said before that the people here are more warm and hospitable than where she is from.

First things first. We already established in the marriage post that a woman is supposed to be a keeper at home right? Well, she should be a willing and good keeper at home. Her actions should be chaste, discrete, gentle, meek, godly, holy, etc. I know it is hard but we cannot put much stock in our ability to be those things. We need to be asking the Lord for help to be those things. It should be our desire to be those and to daily pray for those characteristics.

The wife should not be given to vanity, or frivolousness. She should be frugal, trustworthy, and honest. She should be modest, she should admire her husband and give him respect even if he doesn't deserve it because honestly do we always deserve to be loved and honoured(if you're married) when we have a bad attitude or say something that is mean? Think about it Jesus loves his Bride even when we are unlovable right? So, a wife ought to try her best even when the husband fails. Jesus said to forgive 70x7. Remember, when you get married you are marrying an imperfect person with flaws. God gives grace in those times when you ask Him for it.

The wife is to be a help meet to her dear husband. She can either be apart of what the Lord is doing in his life and with him or she can be left sittin' in the dust. A woman can make or break her husband. She can be his biggest fan if she so chooses. She can build him up and help his confidence or she can drag him and his name through the mud. A man that is confident in his walk and how he acts has to do with whether his wife is being supportive and pushing him to be his best or not. A man wants to be admired and respected...I suppose maybe he ought to think of whether he is someone to be admired in the first place.Just a thought.

Don't you think it's nice for the man to be able to come home and not worry that his wife has been out working and getting "dirty" so to speak in a spiritual or mental sense? He can come home to a wife that takes care of the home, cooks homemade nutritious meals, and has made a safe haven out of their home that he can just let his guard down? Oh, and I cannot forget that she may have dinner waiting on the table for him or she may be at the door waiting for him to walk in the door. Note: The husband should when he gets home go straight to his wife and give her a kiss and if they have children she still should be the one he sees first then see the children. Yep, that's the way to do it! I remember hearing a preacher say that one time that when he first gets home that he goes to his wife and kisses her then speaks to his children and such.

Let me take a minute to say that when others enter the home they should be able to say that your home is peaceful. The home should be Christ centered. It should be a joyful home.

Back to the wife. A man wants or should want his wife to dress modestly in a distinctively feminine way. Her clothes should say feminine! There should be no doubt that she is all woman not half woman half man nor should it scream whorish. Seriously, I have no idea how women think that slacks are feminine...a woman has more power if she is in a sweet flowing skirt or dress. You get more men opening doors for you when you go places than a woman in pants. It baffles me that women seem to forget it was always a natural and accepted thing for women to wear long dresses and skirts. For centuries that's what women wore. They did many things in them, too.
Note: I am not saying these things to look down or think I am holier than thou if there are women who wear pants that may read this blog.

Anyway, a man doesn't want his wife on display for other men to drool over or undress/devour in their mind. Well, a real man of godly character wouldn't. It just boggles my mind the eyeful I get when we go places. I am amazed that any man would let his woman wear the things they wear in public let alone in front of their children. At one time even the lost had some holiness in their dress! All it is is just walking pornography.

Another thing how is it that we have succombed to women painting their faces? Where in the Bible did godly women wear make-up? I mean those who showed honour to the Lord?
Here are some verses in the Bible on this:
2Kings 9:30,And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.

Was Jezebel a woman to want to be like? Was she a God fearing woman?

In the Bible we see the Lord had made statements about Israel playing a harlot. He had likened them to a woman who was a whore that had painted her eyes. Does this sound honouring to God? Did painting her eyes please him?

To be honest where in the world do we get the idea that it's okay to do things since it is popular or the accepted? Just because the world is doing it doesn't make it right does it? Doesn't the Bible say to come out from among them and be ye separate? Doesn't it say not to conform to the world? Are we supposed to look and act like the world? Why is it such a big deal if we have a blemish or a zit? Hmmm. Vanity rules these days haven't ya heard? Women are not satisfied with the way God made them hence the reason for them also dying and perming their hair. Each are wonderfully and fearfully made the last time I checked my Bible.

The King James Bible says, Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.- Proverbs 31:30

I am not saying a woman should be ugly but the Bible is clear. We put so much importance on whether a person is beautiful and of course it is nice to find the person you are gonna marry or are married to attractive but that isn't the most important thing according to this verse in Proverbs. But, if we are gonna talk about beauty why not be it a natural beauty? It has been said that real beauty is what lies inside the person.

Ya know I have a scar where my left eyebrow is. I've had that thing since I was 5 or 6 but I actually forget about it most of the time. Every once in awhile I may get a few zits but I don't let those things bother me really. Things happen so what. I am not gonna hide my facial imperfections from anyone most of all I don't want to hide behind a mask because I want people to see me as I am, the real me the way I really look. Some women get up in the morning before their husbands do so they can have make up on when he gets up. These women take 2 or 3 hours to put it on. Some even go to bed with it on that way their husband doesn't see them without it. Boy, oh boy I can just imagine how harsh it is on the skin and the coloured pillows from it.

I honestly love the freedom of not having to worry about putting it on my face. I love the fact that I can just get ready for the day and just get going. It's been liberating not to have to wear it. I am not sure why I even did in the first place! I guess it must of been because it was the thing to do and everyone wore it that was a girl.

Note: My Brother wanted me to make sure that yall know that eyeshadow is made with bat manure in it and lipstick is made with chicken manure in it:)

Stay tuned for part 2 of this post.

Anchored in Jehovah,


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